Allowing a Microservice to Access the BSS Database PostgreSQL Server


To allow a microservice to access an on-premise BSS Database PostgreSQL server:

  1. Allow the micro-service application hosted on Kubernetes nodes to access the BSS Database PostgreSQL server:
    • For a single-node Kubernetes cluster, add its IP to the pg_hba.conf file:

      host all all <IP_address_of_application_node_node>/32 md5
    • For a multiple-node Kubernetes cluster (AKS cluser), add a nodes sub-net, for example:

      host all all md5
  2. Reload the PostgreSQL service:
    • For PostgreSQL 9.6, reload the service as follows:

      systemctl reload postgresql-9.6
    • For PostgreSQL 11, reload the service as follows:

      systemctl reload postgresql-11


To allow a microservice to access a cloud BSS Database PostgreSQL server, follow the corresponding cloud vendor documentation. For example, for Azure Database for PostgreSQL, follow