Canceling and Deleting AR Documents

You can delete Payments, Refunds, Debit Memos, and Credit Memos only in the Hold status. When you try to delete a Payment or a Refund document in the Hold status, the document is either deleted or preserved in the system with the Canceled status depending on the following:

  • If a Payment or a Refund in the Hold has no associated e-transactions (which means that there have been no attempts to contact a payment processing center to process the document), the document is deleted from the system.

    Note: Associated e-transactions for both payments and refunds are listed in the E-Transactions tab of the AR document profile.

  • If a Payment or a Refund in the Hold status has an associated successful or unsuccessful e-transaction, it is assigned the Canceled status when you try to delete it, but remains in the system.

    Note: This ensures the preservation of existing links with remote banking transactions for reconciliation and auditability purposes.

AR documents in the other statuses cannot be either deleted or canceled.

To delete an AR document (or cancel a Payment or a Refund document as described above):

  1. Go to Billing > Finance > Documents.
  2. Select an AR document to delete (or cancel). The Delete button becomes active above the list of documents.

    Important: Before you click Delete:
    - Debit Memos and Credit Memos in the Hold status will be deleted from the system.
    - If a Payment or a Refund is in the Hold status and has no associated e-transactions, the document will be deleted from the system.
    - If a Payment or a Refund is in the Hold status and has an associated e-transaction, the document will be assigned the Canceled status and will remain in the system.
    - If an AR document cannot be either deleted or canceled, an error message will be displayed.

  3. Click Delete.