Configuring Resource Dependencies

To configure resource dependencies:

  1. In PCP, go to Products > Resources. Click the necessary resource.
  2. To make the resource the parent of other resources, add resources s dependent in the Depends On tab as described below. The child resources are automatically listed in the Necessary To tab.
  3. To make the resource dependent on (a child to) another resource:
    1. Switch to the Depends On tab.
    2. Click Add New Dependent Resource. In the Resource field, choose a resource.
    3. Complete the Dependence Kind field by selecting one of the options:
      • Requires: Select this option if the resource which you are configuring requires that the customer mandatorily chooses another resource first (its "parent" resource). For example, if a customer chooses "virtual machine", they must also choose "disk space" and "random access memory" because these are two important components of virtual machines. Therefore, "virtual machine" requires "disk space" and "random access memory". The dependent resource itself is chosen in the previous step.
      • Conflicts on Subscription level: Select this option if the resource which you are configuring cannot be bought with another resource in the same subscription. For example, you do not allow your customers to subscribe to more than one "premium technical support" within the same subscription. The dependent resource itself is chosen in the previous step.

        Note: Such resources cannot be included in the same service plan and cannot be added to the same subscription.

      • Provided by: Select this option if the resource which you are configuring will be automatically provided along with its parent. For example, when a customer chooses a "virtual machine with Windows OS", a Windows OS license is automatically added to the order. The dependent resource itself is chosen in the previous step.
      • Conflicts on Account level: Select this option if you want your customers to be able to choose only one offering from several options. For example, if you sell three types of license - Home, Small Business, and Enterprise - you can make them mutually exclusive so that those of your customers who want to purchase or already own an Enterprise license cannot purchase a Home or a Small Business license. To make such service plans mutually exclusive, you must add to them some resources which are mutually exclusive at the account level (that is, cannot be purchased together by the same account). The dependent resource itself is chosen in the previous step.

        Important: If you are configuring mutual exclusiveness which involves a child Operations resource, make sure that the resource is added to the list of service plan resources in the Resources tab of the necessary service plans. Only such configurations apply that involve resources listed in the service plan Resources tab. For more information, please see Rules for Mutually Exclusive Service Plans.

    4. Save the changes.
    5. Make sure that the resource (and its dependent resource, where necessary) is included in the necessary service plan. For instructions, please see Including Resources in a Service Plan.

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