Creating Notification Templates for Other Locales

Configuring notification templates for other locales may be required if you want your customers receive notifications on their native languages. Billing is delivered with a basic set of generic templates using English locale. You can create a set of notification templates with the same name, but using different locales. When assign notification template to some Billing entity, notification template is selected by its name. Before sending notification to customer Billing checks customer locale and send notification based on respective template.

Note: The customer's language can be changed in the following places:

1. Customer's profile in PCP.
2. Customer's profile in CCP v1.
3. Customer's profile for personal type account in UX1 for Customers.
4. Billing contact of customer's profile for business type account in UX1 for Customers.

For information on how to install additional locales, refer to the Billing Localization Guide.

To create notification template for other locale the following steps should be performed:

  • Clone existing template you want to use as a base for creating same notification templates with other locales.
  • Replace message text with text on locale language.

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