Managing Notifications

In this chapter we will consider configuring notifications in Billing. Notifications are used to inform customers and staff members on particular events or states of the system. Depending on nature of information sent, notifications are subdivided into the following types:

  • Documentation Notification. Such notifications are mainly used to inform customers of a document (invoice, debit memo, or credit memo) release.
  • Account Notification. Such notifications are mainly used to remind customers of outstanding balance and request a prompt payment. For another thing, notifications of this type can be used to notify a customer of account creation or suspension.
  • Credit Card Notification. Such notifications are used to notify a customer that their credit card is about to expire.
  • Order Notification. Such notifications are used to notify customers of order status changes.
  • Subscription Notification. Such notifications are primarily used to remind customer of expiring subscriptions. Notifications of this type can also be used to notify customers of successful service creation.
  • Limit Notification. Such notifications are used to alert subscribers that their subscription resources usage comes close to the purchased quantity.
  • User Notification. Miscellaneous user notifications.
  • License notification. Such notifications are used to notify a customer on requested application licenses issued by the provider.
  • Trouble Ticket Notification. Such notifications are used to notify customer of trouble ticket status change: creation, resolving, closing, and so on.

Notification type is rigidly linked to the type of object (subscription, document, and so on) and thus, the set of placeholders that can be used in notification templates of a particular type is also specific for each notification type.

All notifications (except for manual messages sent from message log) are based on special templates called notification templates. The notification template is a prepared message where specific information (such as customer address, order details, subscription status and so on) is replaced with placeholders. Each type of notification has its own set of placeholders not available to other notification types.

Each notification can use sub-templates. The latter allows you to single out general data used in a number of general templates, give it a name and then use in any general template in the same way as placeholders. It is common to put document details, footer, header, information on how to renew the subscription, order details, and style code (HTML) in the sub-template. The sub-template cannot be sent separately, only as part of the notification template.

Each notification template includes the following messages types:

  • HTML message. This message is used to send email messages in HTML format, email messages containing .pdf file attached and paper mail. Pdf files represent HTML messages converted to .pdf format. Likewise, printed mail is the same HTML message converted to PostScript and then printed.

    Note: A safe preview for HTML templates with Content-Security-Policy is performed.

  • Plain text message. This message is used to send plain text email messages.

At least one message has to be entered for a template. Messages are configured for each notification template individually. The fact that a notification template has a plain text message configured does not mean that customer necessarily receives it. The latter is configured from the respective notification type side.

Note: Billing is delivered with a set of pre-configured notification templates, in most cases this is enough. Yet, you may configure and use own ones if necessary.

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