Price File Requirements

A price file must meet the following requirements:

Format CSV
Encoding utf-8
Size 10.8 MB
Separators commas
Quote character double quotes
Escape character


This character is necessary to escape the quote character when the latter is inside a field. For example, we want to upload a file containing the “Offer Display Name” column with the “CDS for "Apps Database Capacity"” value in a line. The correct snippet of such a file will look like this:

A/C/D/U,“Offer Display Name”

ADD,“CDS for \"Apps Database Capacity\"”

Number format

A decimal number must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. A point symbol is the decimal separator, for example, 10.5.
  2. Digit group separators are not allowed, for example, 100000 cannot be represented as 100 000 or 100,000.
  3. A fractional part must consist of 2 digits maximum. For example, 10.57 is valid, while 10.571 is not valid.
Name format


Make sure that the reseller for whom you want to update prices has the InitWizardCountryCode custom attribute and it is specified in the .csv file name, after the underscore sign and before the file extension. For example, CSP_pricelist_FR.csv

First row headers
Key columns (mandatory)
  • A/C/D/U (values: “ADD”, “CHG”)
  • <MPN_Property> (can be a set of columns)
Key columns (optional)
  • VAR Setup Fee
  • MSRP Setup Fee
  • VAR Recurring Fee
  • MSRP Recurring Fee
  • VAR Overuse Fee
  • MSRP Overuse Fee