Configuring Nodes with a Data Disk

This configuration is part of the configuration of the virtual machines in your Azure cloud infrastructure, which you will use for subsequent CloudBlue Commerce cloud deployment.

If you add a data disk to a node (besides a mandatory OS disk), create and format a partition for the data disk:

  1. Create a partition in the SDC device:

    # fdisk /dev/sdc
  2. Create a partition with all available disk space:

    • command: n

    • type: p (primary)

    • partition: 1

    • first sector: default

    • last sector: default

    • Save the changes: w

  3. Format the partition in the EXT4 type:

    # mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1
  4. Obtain the UUID of the partition:

    # ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid
    total 0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Mar 21 14:33 021901a4-cb10-41f7-ad4c-ecaa8e86deb5 -> ../../sdc1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Mar 21 14:33 8d75fc6a-ab1c-46fb-a420-44d12846d513 -> ../../sdb1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Mar 21 14:33 98f367e3-6ddc-402f-96fd-b8eb5ab1e2d7 -> ../../sda1
  5. Create a directory to be a mount point. For example:

    # mkdir /var/www

    Where www is the directory name

  6. Edit fstab to add a new partition on boot:

    # vim /etc/fstab
  7. Add a new line after the “/” mount point with the new mount:

    UUID=021901a4-cb10-41f7-ad4c-ecaa8e86deb5 /var/www ext4 defaults 1 2
  8. Reboot the node.

    # reboot
  9. Check to make sure that partition has the right size:

    # df -h