Connecting UI Nodes to Database Replica Nodes

At this point we imply that you have registered and configured necessary database replica nodes in CloudBlue Commerce.

Now you need to actually connect the UI nodes to the database replica nodes. This procedure differs for clustered and single node infrastructure.

Connecting web servers of UI cluster to database replica nodes

To connect web servers of UI cluster to database replica nodes, do the following:

  1. Log in to the Operations PCP.
  2. Go to Infrastructure > Service Nodes, switch to the Web Clusters tab and click on the UI cluster name.
  3. In the Web Servers section for each UI server click Connect to DBR Host.
  4. Provide the database replica hostname or IP address, and the user credentials to use for connection to the database replica host. Click Submit.
  5. A number of tasks will be scheduled for connecting the UI and database replica nodes. Once the web server is connected to the database replica host, APS Booster becomes enabled on that web server.

Repeat the steps for each web server in the UI cluster.

When you connect all web servers in a cluster to database replica nodes, APS booster will be enabled for the whole cluster.

Connecting standalone UI node to database replica node

To connect a standalone UI node to database replica node, you need to install the systemdb-slave-client package to the UI node. For this purpose, do the following:

  1. In the Operations provider control panel, go to Infrastructure > Service Nodes.
  2. Click on the hostname of the standalone node.
  3. Switch to the Packages tab and click Install Package.
  4. Locate the systemdb-slave-client package and click the install icon in the Actions column.
  5. Click the Edit properties icon in the Actions column.
  6. Specify the following parameters:

    Note: All information that you will need at this step is kept at the database replication node, in the /usr/local/pem/etc/slave_db.conf file.

    • Slave DB Host. The BackNet IP address of the Operations database replica node.
    • Slave DB Name. The database name.
    • Slave DB User. The database user that will be used for connecting to the database.
    • Slave DB Password. Password of that user. You will also need to confirm the password in the next field.
  7. Click Submit.

When the installation of the package completes, the APS Booster service will be enabled on your CloudBlue Commerce installation.

If you experience issues with the APS Booster deployment or operability, refer to the APS Booster Troubleshooting section for advice.