Online Store Layout Templates
The section lists all pre-configured layout templates allowed for use in the online store:
Layout Template |
Description |
400.tpl |
Layout, style and content of the 400 error page 'Bad Request'. |
404.tpl |
Layout, style and content of the 404 error page 'Not Found'. |
accattr.tpl |
Layout and style of account attributes. |
address2.tpl |
Layout and style of the customer second address line. |
address.tpl |
Layout and style of customer address line. |
agreement.tpl |
Layout, style and content of agreement. |
auth.tpl |
Layout and style of customer login and passwords lines. |
back.tpl |
Layout, style and content of the 'Back' button. |
bulkreg.tpl |
Layout and style of the bulk registration entry field. |
category.tpl |
Layout, style and content of sales categories page. |
checkout.tpl |
Layout and style of checkout page. |
city.tpl |
Layout and style of customer city line. |
confirm_part1.tpl |
Layout, style and content of the message under the order confirmation screen. By default, it is a note for international orders. |
confirm_part2.tpl |
Layout, style and content of the message above the order confirmation screen. By default, it is 'Your Order is Placed'. |
confirm_part4.tpl |
Layout and style of the 'Billing Info' part of the order confirmation screen. |
confirm_part5.tpl |
Layout and style of the 'Additional Info' part of the order confirmation screen. |
cookie_policy.tpl | This template contains the Cookie Policy. |
cookie_warning.tpl | This template contains the Cookie Banner. |
country.tpl |
Layout and style of customer country line. |
DM_AlREADY.tpl |
Layout and style of the external domain entry field. |
domain_listmain.tpl |
Layout and style of the domain names search results screen. |
domain_listmore.tpl |
Layout and style of the domain names suggestions list. |
domain_listmore_step2.tpl |
Layout and style of the list containing domain names, selected on previous page, with respective subscription periods. |
domain_newmulti.tpl |
Layout and style of registering new domains page. The page contains checkboxes for a number of domain zones. |
domain_newsingle.tpl |
Layout and style of registering new domain page. |
domain_new.tpl |
Layout and style of registering new domains page. The page contains a popular TLDs list. |
domain_prov.tpl |
Layout and style of domain service template provisioning parameters. |
domain_prov_ie.tpl |
Layout and style of domain service template provisioning parameters for .ie domain zone. |
domains.tpl |
This template contains domain_newmulti.tpl, domain_newsingle.tpl, domain_new.tpl, domain_transfer.tpl, domain_transferkey.tpl and DM_ALREADY.tpl templates. |
domain_transferkey.tpl |
Layout and style of the transfer key request on a separate page. |
domain_trasfer.tpl |
Layout, style and content of transferring existing domain page. |
email.tpl |
Layout and style of customer e-mail entry fields. |
email_line.tpl |
Layout and style of customer e-mail lines. |
error.tpl |
Layout, style and content of the online store error messages. |
existsauth.tpl |
Layout and style of the existing customer login form. |
fax.tpl |
Layout and style of customer fax line. |
fml.tpl |
Layout and style of the customer name lines. |
google.tpl |
Layout and style of Google AdWords service. |
hosting.tpl |
Layout, style and content of the hosting screen. |
incomming_params_frame.tpl |
Layout and style of input parameters. |
incomming_params.tpl |
Layout and style of input parameters entry field. |
index.tpl |
Layout, style and content of the online store first page. |
info.tpl |
Layout and style of pop-up forms containing Long Description parameters value. |
javascript.tpl |
This template contains java script used in all other layout templates. |
localize.tpl |
Layout and style of the 'Language' control. By default, included in to the overall_wrapper.tpl. |
neworder.tpl |
Layout and style of order details on pages before order confirmation screen. |
next.tpl |
Layout, style and content of the 'Continue' button. |
organization.tpl |
Layout and style of customer company name line. |
overall_footer.tpl |
Layout, style and content of the online store page bottom. The template is used only if overall_wrapper.tpl is absent. |
overall_header.tpl |
Layout, style and content of the online store page header. The template is used only if overall_wrapper.tpl is absent. |
overall_wrapper.tpl |
Layout, style and content of the online store page bottom and header. |
path_levels.tpl |
Layout and style of online store navigation path type 'levels'. |
paytoolforaccount.tpl |
Layout, style and content of the existing customer payment method block. |
paytool.tpl |
Layout, style and content of customer new payment method block. |
phone.tpl |
Layout, style and content of customer phone and fax numbers entry fields. |
phone_line.tpl |
Layout, style and content of customer phone number line. |
plan_period.tpl |
Layout, style and content of service plan subscription periods. |
planrate.tpl |
Layout, style and content of service plan resource rates. |
plan.tpl |
Layout, style and content of service plans list. Service plans are displayed in form of tiles. |
plan_line.tpl |
Layout, style and content of service plans list. Service plans are displayed as separate lines. |
print_header.tpl |
Layout, style and content of printed header. The template is used only if print_wrapper.tpl is absent. |
print_footer.tpl |
Layout, style and content of printed footer. The template is used only if print_wrapper.tpl is absent. |
print_wrapper.tpl |
Layout, style and content of printed online store page. |
provision.tpl |
Layout, style and content of service plan provisioning parameters. |
showorderdetails.tpl |
Layout, style and content of order details on confirmation screen. |
showsubscribe.tpl |
Layout, style and content of confirmation screen. |
state.tpl |
Layout, style and content of customer state line. |
termsofservice.tpl |
Layout, style and content of provider terms of service. |
yahoo.tpl |
Layout and style of Yahoo Search service. |
zip.tpl |
Layout, style and content of customer zip code line. |
pemgate.tpl |
Layout, style and content of service plan configuration settings block. |