
This method is supported by Operations starting from version 2.9

This method registers an External System in Operations.


1. Configuration properties are validated by the corresponding External System plug-in.

2. External System plug-in may not have the configuration properties. Thus, the system_config parameter should not be specified for such plug-ins.

3. Operations tries to authenticate provided credentials against all registered External Systems (order is undefined). Operations does not check that the same External System is registered twice. You should avoid multiple registration of the same External System because it leads to repeated authentication attempts against the same External System.

The method has the following input parameters:



Short Description



The name of the External System. This parameter is used as reference key to the External System.

The name of the External System should be unique in Operations, otherwise an error is returned.



Type of the External System. The name of plug-in, which supports the External Systems of this type, should be passed. To obtain the name of plug-in, refer to the plug-in documentation.

The plug-in, which supports the External Systems of this type, should be installed in Operations, otherwise an error is returned.


array of struct

Array of configuration properties. A property is a pair of the name and value parameters. The set of possible configuration properties is defined by specific External System plug-in. To obtain information about these properties, refer to the plug-in documentation.

This parameter is optional if an External System plug-in does not require a configuring.

  • name


Configuration property name.

  • value


Configuration property value.

The method has no output parameters.