Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

Product Management

One of the most powerful modules, “Product Management”, provides the product management API for external systems. Among APS types, there are those that expose singleton services, for example, discount management, and those that allow managing directly resource collections, for example, service plans.

The module mostly focuses on operations with the service plans presenting service products as well as on the objects related to service plans:

  • Service plans and product resources specified by service templates and BSS resources

  • Product-related APS resources, for example, service plan categories, tax categories, and service terms

  • Commercial properties of accounts, for example, the upper-level reseller and related customer classes

Among multiple operations, the most noticeable are:

  • Get a list of service plans owned by a specified reseller or by the provider.

  • Get details of a service plan.

  • Get commercial data about an account, for example, the customer class it is included into, its own customer classes, and tax registration ID (additionally protected).

  • Using SKU management, operate service plan prices separately by price components, for example, setup fee or recurring fee. This also includes price synchronization with downstream resellers.

  • Estimate prices for a request that can include several service plans with optional specification of subscription periods and resource limits. In response, the platform returns a detailed JSON representation of the required services with calculated effective price components including calculated discounts.