Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

Type Definition

APS Type is a formal JSON schema JSON-SCH used for creating and managing a set of APS resources instantiated from the APS type.

APS Types and Services

All APS resources of a certain APS type must be provisioned and managed by a certain service, which is the resource factory for this APS type on the application side. This means every service declared in a package must be bound to an APS type defined in the same package. According to the diagram below, when the APS controller receives a REST request for an operation (for example, POST) over a resource of a certain APS type (for example, vps) it forwards the request to the service bound with this APS type, that is, to the /vpses service.


Meta Declaration

When a service is declared in a Package Structure, the Application Services declaration must include the reference to the schema file that defines the related APS type.


JSON Representation

Before you start working with APS types (schemas), get familiar with the following formal terms derived from the JSON definition in RFC-4627:

  • In a schema file, each part inside curly brackets { } is a JSON object. This means that an APS type itself is a JSON object and it contains a number of embedded JSON objects.

  • An APS type is a collection of name: value pairs (colon is the inside separator), separated from other pairs by comma, where name is a string, and value is a string, number, boolean, null, array, or object.

  • An array is represented as a pair of square brackets [ ] surrounding zero or more values.

  • A string begins and ends with quotation marks, for example, “VPS Cloud”.

  • MIME type of JSON files is application/json.

Go through the following sections to get familiar with the APS type definition.