Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

Base Properties and Methods

All widgets have a set of base properties and methods. They are explained in this document.

Inheritance and Synchronization

Because each widget corresponds to a certain HTML element, the following properties are synced between the widget and the HTML element:

  • id: a unique ID assigned to the HTML DOM element. Generally, it must be unique within an HTML page. In a single page application, it must be unique in scope of the whole application UI.

  • name: the HTML element name that is used differently in different types of elements.

  • label: the HTML element label.

Top-Level Widgets

The hierarchy of visual controls in a view is always tree-like with the aps/PageContainer object at the root. At the second level, we recommend using the following widgets:

  • aps/Panel: a universal container

  • aps/Grid: presents tabular data and can contain its own toolbar and filter to manage the data

  • aps/Toolbar: contains aps/Button widgets

  • aps/Tiles: contains aps/Tile widgets and widgets of other types derived from aps/Tile

  • aps/Output: the only non-container widget in this list, it prints out data


At this level, it is also possible to use aps/Container containers, but only to output some data by means of the aps/Output widgets.

Context-Sensitive Properties

Most widgets have a group of properties that are enabled if the respective widget is inside one of the following container types:

  • aps/FieldSet: recommended for wrapping a set of blocks with individual labels and a description

  • aps/Container: recommended for arranging a set of blocks in a line with a common title


The following table contains the list of widget properties sensitive to the widget’s parent container: aps/FieldSet, aps/Container, or another parent container. It displays whether a property of a child widget is enabled when the widget is wrapped into a certain parent depending on the user panel:




Other Containers



UX1 - details




CP - all, UX1:
CP - all, UX1:
CP - all, UX1:
The description takes precedence over the hint.
When a widget is placed inside a FieldSet, the widget description is below the contents:






UX1 - details

UX1 - details


Also enabled for aps/Tile inside aps/Tiles
Disabled for aps/Output and aps/Status wrapped into aps/Container





For child widgets that have an input field


], function(load) {
        ["aps/Panel", {
                title: "Panel 1 - FieldSet demo",
            description: "The panel illustrates boxes with " +
            "individual labels and hints"
                ["aps/FieldSet", {
                        title: "FieldSet Title",
                        description: "This is the Field Set description",
                        hint: "FieldSet hint"
                        ["aps/TextBox", {
                            label: "Name",
                            hint: "Full name",
                            value: "John Smith",
                            gridSize: "md-6",
                            required: true
                        ["aps/DateTextBox", {
                            label: "Birthday",
                            hint: "mm/dd/yyyy",
                            value: "2011-04-12",
                            gridSize: "md-3"
                        ["aps/Select", {
                            label: "Role",
                            hint: "Administrator or service user",
                            options: [{
                                label: "Admin",
                                value: "11111"
                            }, {
                                label: "User",
                                value: "22222",
                                selected: true
                            gridSize: "md-3",
                            required: true
        ["aps/Panel", {
					title: "Panel 2 - Container demo",
					description: "The panel illustrates in-line boxes"
                ["aps/Container", {
                        title: "Container Title",
                        description: "Container description"
                        ["aps/TextBox", {
                            value: "jsmith",
                            gridSize: "md-4",
                            required: true
                        ["aps/Output", {
                            value: "@"
                        ["aps/Select", {
                            options: [{
                                label: "aps.test",
                                value: "11-11-11"
                            }, {
                                label: "aps.example",
                                value: "22-22-22",
                                selected: true
                            gridSize: "md-3",
                            required: true
                        ["aps/Button", {
                            title: "Button-1",
                            gridSize: "md-12"	// Doesn't work for buttons
                        ["aps/Button", {
                            title: "Button-2"
        ["aps/TextBox", {
            value: "TextBox out of intermediate parent containers",
            description: "TextBox description",	// Works in version 1
            gridSize: "md-12"					// Doesn't work


Widget ID

Each widget must have a unique ID assigned to it. In a single page application, all views are loaded into a single IFrame. In this case, widget IDs must be unique throughout the application. If you do not assign an ID to a widget, it will be generated automatically. For auto-tests, we highly recommend to assign a unique ID to each widget.

There are two ways of managing widget IDs as explained here.

Using dijit/registry Module

Using this method, you assign widget IDs manually, after which you can easily get the widget by this ID using the byId method of the dijit/registry module.

For example:

require(["dijit/registry", "aps/ready!"],
      var btn = registry.byId("example1");

An ID can be assigned when calling a constructor or as the ID attribute of a DOM node, when the widget substitutes the DOM node during insertion into the DOM tree.


You should not assign the following reserved values to id: page, top, content, header, footer, main, pageLayout, search, search-form, navbar, login, frames-wrapper, frame-side, frame-main, frame-side-wrapper, frame-switcher, wrapper, side-panel, footer-wrapper, content-wrapper, classic-mode-navigation, top-wrapper, content-body, content-mode-navigation, divLeftFrameSwitcher, screenID, toolbar-content, secondary, screenTabs, tabSubItemsRow, key-code-input, chkProceed, fldset-mailInfo, fldset-admin_info, fldset-power.

Using _View genId and byId Methods

In a single page application, a view implements the aps/View module that has own methods for managing widget IDs. The methods help you assign and use unique widget IDs in scope of the application.

  • To create a widget ID in a view, you need to call the genId(localId) method, passing a locally unique ID (localId) to it. The method will generate a widget ID unique in scope of the application by adding the view ID prefix to localID.

  • You can find a widget by the local ID you assigned to it. For this purpose, call the byId(localId) method passing the widget local ID to it. The method works in both cases, whether an ID is assigned manually or generated by the genId method.

The following excerpts illustrate the way these methods can be used.

], function (declare, _View, ...) {
   var self;
   return declare(_View, {
      init: function() {
         self = this;
         load(["aps/Grid", {
            id: self.genId("srv_grid"),
            ... },
         var grid = self.byId("srv_grid");

CSS Grid Size

The APS JS SDK allows you to specify the width of a widget inside a container as a number of units that the widget will occupy in a row. It works as follows:

  • When placing widgets, the parser ensures that the total size of all widgets in a row does not exceed the row limit. The last widgets that cause this excess are moved to the next row.

  • The widget size is set by means of the gridSize property.

  • Widget size is responsive to the type of device. This allows a developer to set different sizes for the following types of devices:

    • md - middle size screen, for example, on a desktop computer or a tablet

    • xs - extra-small size screen, for example, on a smartphone

    In the following example, size 6 is assigned to “md” and 12 to “xs”.

    gridSize: "md-6 xs-12"
  • In a container grid, the row size limit is 12 units regardless of the screen type.

  • For a widget, you can assign a size from 1 unit and up to the limit of the row. Each of these values corresponds to a CSS class assigned to the HTML element. For example, “md-6” maps to the “col-md-12” CSS class.

  • If the gridSize property is missing, the default “md-12 xs-12” value is assigned.

  • If one of the sizes is missing, no CSS class is assigned to it. For example:

    • For gridSize:"md-12", no CSS class is assigned for a mobile screen.

    • For gridSize:"", no CSS class is assigned regardless of the screen.

  • All values below 1, for example, “md-0”, will be replaced with the empty string (“”). Values above 12, for example, “md-14”, will be reduced to 12 (“md-12”).


Follow the recommended Widget Hierarchy rules when defining widget sizes by using gridSize in a page layout.

Below is the definition of three TextBox widgets with different sizes:


require(["aps/load", "aps/ready!"],
 function(load) {
     "use strict";

     load(["aps/PageContainer", [
         ["aps/TextBox", {
             placeHolder: "Type your first name here",
             gridSize: "md-4 xs-8"
         ["aps/TextBox", {
             placeHolder: "Type your last name here",
             gridSize: "md-4 xs-8"
         ["aps/TextBox", {
             placeHolder: "Type email addresses separated by semicolon",
             gridSize: "md-4 xs-8"

Depending on the screen size, you will get the following:

  • Middle size:

  • Extra small size:


Titles and Labels

The title and label properties are mutually exclusive.

  • The label property is used only by widgets inside an aps/FieldSet container.

  • The title property is used by widgets inside any containers except for aps/FieldSet.






list - list of properties to change in the object

Update properties to the specified values


property - property name

Return the value of the specified property

watch(property, handler)

property - property name to monitor
handler - method handling events

Call the handler when the specified property is changed



Return the direct parent container of the current widget



Return a list of direct child widgets of this current parent container


The reliable way to get or change a widget property is to use the get or set method respectively instead of direct assignment. For example, instead of

var currentValue = widget1.structure1.property1;   // NOT recommended


var currentValue = widget1.structure1.get("property1");  // Correct way


With this method you can assign values to a property or properties of a widget. Pass arguments to the method as follows:

  • When you update a single property, pass two arguments. The first is the property name and the second is its new value.

  • When you update several properties, pass an object containing the list of property:value pairs.

this.set("data", items);
this.set({   "sort":       { attribute: "", descending: null },
            "filter":     []


The watch method is based on Mozilla JavaScript’s watch method. It accepts the following arguments:

  • The name of the property to monitor; without it, all properties are watched

  • The handler to be called when the specified property changes

The handler is called with these arguments:

  • The property name

  • The old value of the property

  • The new value of the property

The following example illustrates how to monitor changes in a form element:


require(["aps/TextBox", "aps/query", "aps/ready!"],
   	function(TextBox, query) {

       // Get a node to display the value
       var target = query("#target");

       // Create a Textbox to input new value
       var textBox = new TextBox({
           value: 5
       }, "inputNode");

       // Handler definition
       function updateDisplay(name, oldVal, newVal) {
           // Get the new value from the textbox and display it in the node
           target.innerHTML("Old value: " + oldVal + " New value: " + newVal);

       // watch for changes, and update the display when the value changes"value", updateDisplay);
<div id="target"></div>
<div id="inputNode"></div>

Precision of Numbers

In JavaScript, the numbers are limited by the IEEE standards.

  • The highest precision is set by the decimal64 floating-point format . The allowed range is:

    ±0.000 000 000 000 000 × 10**(−383) to ±9.999 999 999 999 999 × 10**(384)


    The fraction is not longer than 15 decimal digits.

  • The integers are accurate up to 15 decimal digits.

For more information, refer to JavaScript Numbers .
