Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

Generic Services

This document explains how an APS application can implement generic resource management. It considers the first scenario in the demo tracks. The application you create here is the basis for the other demo projects.


Typically, an integration procedure consists of the following steps:

../../../_images/generic-step-model-b.png ../../../_images/generic-step-meta.png ../../../_images/generic-step-provision.png ../../../_images/generic-step-presentation.png ../../../_images/generic-step-deploy.png ../../../_images/generic-step-provisioning.png


An application provides a service that allows the subscribers to use the following operations:

  • Create/provision resources

  • Get a list of provisioned resources

  • Configure/update resources

  • Remove resources

  • Run custom operations, such as start/stop or enable/disable a resource

In the demo project that accompanies this procedure, the application imitates provisioning of virtual private servers (VPSes).

From the technological perspective, the procedure demonstrates implementation of the single page UI. After customers get subscribed to application services, they can start managing services in UX1. A customer navigates to the needed management screen through the hierarchical application navigation tree plugged into UX1.

Resource Model

Such an application contains three APS types with relationship similar to the following:

  • /vpsdemo/cloud - used to install an APS application instance on the APS connector and create a respective APS resource in the APS database. Every customer subscription with the application resources must contain an Application Service Reference resource representing the application instance.

  • /vpsdemo/context - used to create a singular resource in a subscription on the customer side. It presents a management context or a tenant of the application. Normally, it has the relationship with system resources (customer account and subscription) and custom application resources, such as VPSes in this demo.

  • /vpsdemo/vps - used to provision VPSes as APS resources.

The following relationship binds resources to each other:

  • The cloud resource is linked through its contexts link collection (multiple blue squares) with multiple context resources. On the customer side, each context resource has a mandatory (red colored) link cloud with the application resource.

  • The context resource in each subscription is linked with multiple vps resources. For this purpose, the APS types declare a link collection vpses and a reverse required link context.

Start Your Demo Project

To start a new project, follow these steps.

  1. In your development workspace, create a folder where you will develop your APS application. Let us call it vpsdemo.

  2. In the vpsdemo/ folder, create the APP-META.xml file and copy the contents of the template file to it.

    <application xmlns="" version="2.0">
            <summary>Demo package</summary>
            <description>Demonstrates an APS project lifecycle</description>
        <license-agreement must-accept="true">
    			<name>End-User License Agreement</name>


    1. The template contains the minimal set of required elements with empty values. You will fill them later with the values corresponding your application.

    1. The template contains neither a navigation nor a service declaration. You will add them later.

  3. In the vpsdemo/ folder, create two folders - scripts/ and ui/.

  4. In the scripts/ folder, create the following files and copy the content of the template file to them.


    • scripts/clouds.php - the service for the cloud APS type

    • scripts/contexts.php - the service for the context APS type

    • scripts/vpses.php - the service for the vps APS type


    	define('APS_DEVELOPMENT_MODE', true);
    	require "aps/2/runtime.php";	
    	* @type("")
    	* @implements("")
    	class type extends \APS\ResourceBase

    Every PHP script solves the following tasks:

    • Declare the corresponding APS type through the special PHP inline annotations.

    • Define the APS type properties, structures, relations and operations using PHP in-line annotations.

    • Define PHP functions (methods) for some operations declared in the APS type.


    1. When developing a certain APS type and its service, you will change the ID (@type in the PHP script) and the class name appropriately.

    2. The template contains the predefined functions. It is possible to redefine them, but this is not planned in the current demo.

  5. In the ui/ folder, create the plugins/ sub-folder and then create the following files and copy the contents of the template file to them.


    • ui/servers.js - the list of VPSes

    • ui/server-edit.js - the VPS editor

    • ui/vps-wizard.js - the VPS creation wizard

    • ui/wizard/server-new-1.js - the first step in creating a VPS

    • ui/wizard/server-new-last.js - the last step in creating a VPS


    	function (
    	) {
    	return declare(View, {
    		init: function() {
    			/* Declare the data sources */
    			/* Define and return widgets */
    			return [
    		onContext: function(context) {

    The template contains a minimal set of elements of a view structure. You will extend the JavaScript code at the further steps.