Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

Update Resource

Continue the development of the presentation level.

../../../../../_images/generic-step-model1.png ../../../../../_images/generic-step-meta1.png ../../../../../_images/generic-step-provision1.png ../../../../../_images/generic-step-presentation-b.png ../../../../../_images/generic-step-deploy1.png ../../../../../_images/generic-step-provisioning1.png

The application must provide an editor view that allows a customer to open a resource profile to update its properties.

../../../../../_images/generic-presentation-step-aux.png ../../../../../_images/generic-presentation-step-add.png ../../../../../_images/generic-presentation-step-list.png ../../../../../_images/generic-presentation-step-edit-b.png

Design Recommendations

Typical structure of an editor is similar to the above described server creation view. The editor starts from the list of resources, when a user clicks on the resource to be edited. To get properties of the selected resource, the editor uses a navigation variable that carries the JSON representation of the selected resource.


The editor changes resource properties similar to the first step in the server creation procedure.

The differences are:

  • The editor gets the initial data from the resource opened for editing. The navigation variable declared in metadata brings the JSON representation of the resource to the editor on its onContext phase. It means, the editor must have the onContext method to assign correct initial data to the widgets. The editor will find the navigation variable as an element in the named structure aps.context.vars. The latter is available in any view.

  • As we are going to edit a resource in one step, you need neither the shared structure nor the flag isNew.

  • The editor should use the same store and model objects, but the final operation in the onSubmit handler is to update the existing resource instead of creating a new one although in the code it is the same put operation of the store object.

The demo project illustrates implementation of the above recommendations.

Continue Your Demo Project

This section continues the demo project from its previous step. It illustrates creation of the VPS editor.

Follow these steps, when creating the server-edit.js source from scratch.

  1. Create the custom JavaScript skeleton as follows:

    ], function (declare, when, getPlainValue, at, getStateful, View, Store,
          newVPS, displayError) {
       return declare(View, {
          init: function () {
             /* Declare data sources */
             /* Define and return widgets */
             return [
          /* Define handlers for the navigation buttons */
          onCancel: function() {
          onSubmit: function() {
          /* Define the view flow methods */
          onContext: function() {

    This view must read properties of the selected VPS from the APS controller. The data is available, when the onContext function is called. Thus, we need to define this function in addition to the init function.

  2. In the init function, define a model for the VPS and initialize it from the newvps.json file:

    this.vpsModel = getStateful({"data": newVPS});

    The onContext function will redefine the model with the actual properties of the selected VPS.

  3. In the init function, define widgets synced with this.vpsModel for setting VPS properties:

    return ["aps/Panel", { id: this.genId("edit_form") }, [
        ["aps/FieldSet", {
            title: "General"
            ["aps/TextBox", {
              label: "Server Name",
              value: at(, "name"),
              required: true
            ["aps/TextBox", {
              label: "Description",
              value: at(, "description")
        ["aps/FieldSet", {
            title: "Server Configuration"
            ["aps/Spinner", {
              label: "CPU Number",
              minimum: 1,
              maximum: 16,
              value: at(, "number"),
              step: 1
            ["aps/Spinner", {
              label: "Disk Space",
              minimum: 1,
              maximum: 100,
              value: at(, "diskspace"),
              legend: "Gb",
              step: 1
            ["aps/Spinner", {
              label: "RAM",
              minimum: 128,
              maximum: 8192,
              value: at(, "memory"),
              legend: "Mb",
              step: 128
  4. Define navigation button processing.

    • Cancel button:

      onCancel: function() {

      The handler returns a user back to the servers view.

    • Submit button:

      onSubmit: function() {
          var form = self.byId("edit_form");
          if (!form.validate()) {
          var vpsStore = new Store({
             target: "/aps/2/resources"
             function() {

      The handler stores the configured properties in the APS controller and then returns a user back to the servers view. Preliminary, the method runs the page validation and error processing.

  5. Define the onContext function that must initialize the model with the VPS properties provided by the APS controller.

    onContext: function() {
            /* Update the model with actual data from the navigation variable */
            this.vpsModel.set("data", aps.context.vars.vps);
            aps.apsc.hideLoading(); /* Mandatory call */


    The aps.apsc.hideLoading() call is required in the onContext function to reset the “Loading” status.


This completes the APS application development cycle. If you experienced any issues when following the project steps, you can download the sample package and compare it with the demo package you have created.