Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

Internationalization (optional)

This document helps you show notifications translated into various languages as explained in the Internationalization in Notifications document.

Translated Strings

For each language you wish to support, create a PO file and add the translated string to each of them. For example, the following steps add support for German.

  1. Create the de_DE.po file as explained in the Development Workflow section:

    $ aps msgmake -l de_DE async1pn
  2. Open the newly created file in any text editor, then add the msgid lines for the message strings used in notifications, and then for each msgid add the respective msgstr with the translated string.

    msgid "VPS Creation"
    msgstr "Die Bildung des Servers"
    msgid "VPS __name__ is provisioned"
    msgstr "Der VPS __name__  ist geschaffen"
    msgid "VM Creation"
    msgstr "Die Bildung des Servers"
    msgid "Provisioning of VM __name__ is started"
    msgstr "Die Bildung des Servers __name__ hat angefangen"
    msgid "Provisioning of VM __name__ is in progress"
    msgstr "Die Bildung des Servers __name__ dauert"
    msgid "Provisioning of VM __name__ is completed"
    msgstr "Der Server __name__  ist geschaffen"
    msgid "Server Removal"
    msgstr "Die Entfernung des Servers"
    msgid "Server __name__ is removed"
    msgstr "Der Server __name__ ist entfernt"
    msgid "The last server __name__ is removed"
    msgstr "Die Aufmerksamkeit: es ist der letzte Server entfernt - __name__"
    msgid "View Servers"
    msgstr "Die Übersicht der Server"
    msgid "View or edit VM"
    msgstr "Die Übersicht oder die Editierung des Servers"
    msgid "View or edit VPS"
    msgstr "Die Übersicht oder die Editierung des Servers"

Repeat the above steps for each language your application must support.


Update the APS application as follows:

  1. In the APP-META.xml file, increase the package release.

  2. Build the updated package:

    $ aps build async1pn
  3. Import the updated package to the system as you did in the Deployment step.

  4. In the provider control panel, update the APS application instance:

    • In the list of applications, open the updated application.

    • On the Instances tab, open the application instance and click Upgrade.

    The application instance will be upgraded to the new version.

Ensure the system supports the required languages as follows.

  1. In the provider control panel, navigate to System > Settings.

  2. In the Core list, click Locales.

  3. Ensure there are locales for the languages you want to support:

  4. Ensure all the languages are enabled and allow the users to select a language:



Login to the customer control panel as the user created earlier. In the Login panel, select a language your application supports:


Repeat the testing steps described earlier.

Notice the notification messages you have translated:
