Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

User Service

The platform provides its built-in user management service to integrate it with those APS applications that bind their service to individual users. An application can use several integration touchpoints described here.

User Creation Wizard

The platform built-in user creation wizard is a tool for creating one or more users. It allows APS applications to add their specific views as additional steps to the wizard and thus assign the application services to the new users.

  1. The wizard has its own initial step that will show a list of APS applications that want to add their views to the process under the ASSIGN SERVICES TO NEW USERS title.

  2. The customer adds configuration of every new user, marks the services to be assigned to the new users and proceeds to the next step.

  3. When it comes to a particular application view, the customer configures the application service and proceeds to the next step.



    Since the user creation wizard allows creation of multiple users in one process, the application view must be able to edit at least the most important parameters in mass. In the above example, the names of the new resources are configured.

  4. The customer goes through all wizard steps and completes the process.

  5. The wizard creates new users and requests every integrated application to assign their service to the new users in accordance with the configuration created or selected in the application specific step.

User List

An APS application can provide some data about its resources used by the customer users displayed on the Users screen in both formats, Grid:


and Tiles:


User Service Tile

An APS application can provide a tile widget for a user profile displayed on the Users screen when a user is selected from a list:


Service View for Service User

Similar to the main service view for the customer administrators, an application must provide a service view for the users whom the service is assigned to. An application must declare a navigation tree plugged to the user panel and containing the service view and optionally other views in its structure.


Service Activation

Sometimes, a service assigned to a user must be activated only after the user configures some parameters of the service, for example, mailbox parameters. In this case, the application must integrate with the platform built-in service activation wizard.

A typical scenario looks as follows:

  1. A customer assigns the application service to a user with default values assigned to some properties or even with non-assigned properties. The service is assigned to the user but not activated.

  2. When the user logs in to UX1, the service activation wizard will start.

  3. The wizard will direct the user through all services that need activation.

  4. Once the service is configured and activated, the user can consume the service.


The following documents provide more details about the integration with the platform built-in user manager not only on the presentation level (UI touchpoints), but on the provisioning level (backend touchpoints) as well: