Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

UX1 Panel

This document considers numerous integration capabilities available in the UX1 panel. If you are interested in using the older generation of user panels, refer to Control Panel.

Compared with CP, the following is changed in UX1:

  • Completely new layout

  • Navigation placeholders are different

  • A lot of new capabilities are added


UX1 unifies access to the platform UI for account administrators and service users via the same layout that looks completely different from CP.

Current User Menu

UX1 provides quick access to the user menu on top-right of the screen.


This allows the user to manage their own profile or quit the UX1. Once the user clicks on My Profile, the system redirects the user to the Users menu item and opens the user profile for managing the latter.



A customer administrator or a service user can review notifications addressed to them. For this, they can click on the respective notification icon on top-right.


A new notification pops up on the screen.

Development Error Warnings

The APS JS SDK helps the developers identify possible weakness or error in the code that can lead to possible issues. If the APS development mode is on, a developer can find some error messages just on a control panel screen with accompanying messages in the development log.

The following examples illustrate some probable cases.

  • Performance issues leading to performance degradation:

    ../../../_images/dev-error-screen.png ../../../_images/dev-error-log.png
  • Functional issues leading to exception events or incorrect visual effects:

    ../../../_images/dev-error-test-screen.png ../../../_images/dev-error-test-log.png

Integration Points

UX1 provides several touchpoints to allow applications to integrate with the platform UI.





Managing customer-wide services

Basic sample application

Integration with Home dashboard

Home Dashboard

Home Dashboard

Basic sample application

User management

User Management

User Management

Offering sample application

Service activation


Service Activation

Offering sample application

DNS management

Integration with DNS

DNS Management

DNS management

Notification management

On-Screen Notifications

Notification Management

Basic sample application

Mobile interface

Mobile UI

Inside concepts


Resource Scope Restrictions

For application UI developers it is important to understand the restriction on the scope of resources available from UX1 by default. In spite of the fact that by default a reseller is assigned the administrator role to all resources belonging to all subordinate accounts, the UX1 panel provides access to the resources of the direct subordinates only. In other words, a reseller staff using UX1 can manage the resources of the direct customers and direct sub-resellers. They do not see resources of the lower level sub-resellers and customers.

However, an application UI can drill deeper down the resource hierarchy by using the APS-Actor-Scope HTTP header in their requests sent to the APS controller. To extend the resource scope to all resources where the reseller role is owner or administrator, the application should send the APS-Actor-Scope:FULL header.