Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

Account Wide Subscription Services

In the Account-Wide Subscription Services (AWS) mode (default mode), an application can operate subscriptions using its own code.

Management Operations

An application can operate subscriptions through the following actions:

  • Get all information about subscriptions

  • Create resources in a selected subscription

  • Bind a user to the application services in a selected subscription

Before you start implementing those operations, get familiar with various ways of getting and specifying subscriptions.

UI View

In a UI view, an application can identify all subscriptions a customer has in order to specify the one to manage application resources in.

Identify Subscription ID

A resource JSON representation contains the parent subscription APS ID inside the aps section. For example, you declare a navigation variable as:

<var type-id="" name="vps" />

Then, inside the respective view code, you can identify the subscription APS ID:

var subscriptionId = aps.context.vars.vps.aps.subscription;

Specify Subscription ID

A REST request for provisioning a resource should contain the APS-Subscription-ID header to specify the subscription for resource provisioning. In the view source code, rather than assigning the proper value to this header directly, assign the subscription ID to the aps.context.subscriptionId property instead. To use it in an aps/Store data store, assign the property before you declare the store:

aps.context.subscriptionId = subscriptionId;
var store = new Store({
   target: "/aps/2/resources"

Once this is done, the POST operations sent through the store will contain the APS-Subscription-ID header with the assigned subscription ID.

You can override the described above default behavior for a particular resource if you specify a subscription ID in the resource JSON representation sent for provisioning:

POST /aps/2/resources

{ "aps": {
      "type": "<APS type ID>",
      "subscription": "<subscrition APS ID>"
   ... // Other resource properties

UI Wizard

In a UI wizard, an application can pass resource representation from a source view to the destination view using the utility. You can specify explicitly a subscription ID in each of the resource representation as follows:{ resources: [
   { aps: {
      type: <APS type ID>,
      subscription: <subscription APS ID>
      ... // Other resource properties

When sending a REST request with both APS-Subscription_ID header and aps.subscription property in the resource JSON representation, the latter takes precedence.

Home Dashboard Integration

When integrated with the Home Dashboard, the respective application view-plugin will get the mediator.resourceUsage array that contains resource usage data for all subscriptions of the customer. The view-plugin can filter and sort resource usage by subscription IDs:

resourceUsage: {
   "subscription APS ID": [
      //resource usage in the format as returned by /aps/2/<subscription GUID>/resources
   "<another subscription APS ID>": [...],