Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

Service Tile in Subscription View

Similar to the process of integrating an application custom view-plugin into the Home dashboard, an application can embed the same or another view-plugin into the platform subscription view displayed in UX1.

Integration Point

When the platform contains both its parts, OSS and BSS, UX1 shows the list of subscriptions in the Account tree:


Every subscription exposes a placeholder that APS applications can use to plug their custom view-plugins into the subscription view:


Integration Steps

To plug a view-plugin as a custom tile to the subscription view, the application metadata must declare that view-plugin as plugged to the "" placeholder.

All the integration steps are the same as used to create a view-plugin for the Home dashboard. You can even use the same view-plugin for both purposes as in the following example:

<navigation id="plugins">
   <view-plugin id="vpsDashboardPlugin" src="ui/plugins/vpsDemoTile.js">
      <plugs-to id=""/>
      <plugs-to id=""/>
      <var name="context" type-id=""/>

Specifics of Advanced Method

When defining a view-plugin following the advanced approach, the mediator.getWidget(arg) function receives an input object containing the JSON representation of the subscription that the view-plugin is currently plugged into.

mediator.getWidget = function (arg) {
   // ...
   var subscription = arg.subscription;
   // ...
   return widget;

In the above code, the subscription object structure is defined by the standard APS type Subscription.