Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

Assigning Service during User Creation

When adding users, a customer administrator is able to specify application services to assign to the new users.

Process in UI

If an application is integrated with the user creation wizard through the navigation tree, the administrator will be able to add the application specific view as one more step in the user creation process.


Usually, mass assignment is convenient to assign services when all or almost all service properties for the users are the same. The API, we consider here, allows you to follow one of the two ways:

  • Assign undifferentiated service resources to all users - this way is simpler than the other one, as it does not require you to make difference between the users.

  • Assign differentiated service resources - this way is reasonable when at least one service resource property, for example, mailbox name or host name, should be assigned different values.


If a view is embedded into the user creation process, the user creation wizard will navigate the administrator to this view. JSON representation of the new users is available through the getResourcesToBind request: {
   var users = resources.users;
   // ... proceed with data processing ...

In the above example, the first user is available as users[0].

Data Processing

Typically, the application view allows the administrator to specify parameters of the service that will be assigned to the new users. As mentioned earlier, there are two cases:

  • When assigning undifferentiated service resources, you design a view layout without user specifics.

  • When assigning differentiated service resources, you should take care of making some of service properties differentiated by users.

In any of the above cases, the view must send a request for resource changes using the request. The following example requests a number of VPSes equals the number of new users and prepares a list of VPS provision operations, one per each new user:{
   deltas: [{
      apsType: "",
      delta: users.length
   operations: {
      return {
         provision: lang.mixin(getPlainValue(, {
            user: user

In the above request, the provision operations are differentiated by the link to a user. All other VPS properties are undifferentiated.

Actually, the above request for change prepares data and operations to be committed later by calling the request from the wizard.


The view must handle the onCancel, onPrev, and onNext events issued when pressing the Cancel, Prev, or Next navigation button respectively. Typically, the view must define them at the same level as the init and other flow control methods:

onCancel: function() {
    aps.apsc.gotoView("viewId"); // Id of the view to direct the administrator to

onPrev: function() {

onNext: function() {;

The aps.apsc.prev() and methods return the control to the wizard.


The User Management demo project illustrates development of a view add-user-service.js with assignment of service resources to users.