Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

Configuration for OSS

In OSS, a service template is a product that is used to create subsriptions for customers.

Deployment Components

In the wizard data, the defaults section should contain three lists of components to define the default deployment of the application in OSS:

   "configurableProperties": [<property-1>, ...],  // Global app properties
   "defaults": {
      "apsVersion": <APS API version>,
      "appId": <APS application ID>,
      "apsName": <arbitrary name>,
      "apsResources": [{<aps-resource-1>}, ...],   // Service profiles
      "resellerProfile": {<reseller-profile>},     // Reseller profile
      "resourceTypes": [{<resource-type-1>}, ...], // Resource types for service templates
      "serviceTemplate": {<service-template>}      // Service template

Service Profiles

Configuration Structure

The apsResources array contains a list of reference APS resources (service profiles) as explained in the Product in OSS document.

The APS resource representing the APS application instance is created earlier during the APS application deployment. That is why this APS resource is not in the apsResources array, even though it is a reference APS resource.

The following structure provides a default configuration of an APS resource presenting a service profile:

   "id": <ID for reference inside the wizard data>,
   "apsType":  <APS type ID>,
   "type": "",
   "fields": {
      "profileName": <Default profile name>,
      <primitive-property-1>: <Default property value>,
      <structure-1>: { <property-1-1>, ... },
   "relations": {
      <relation-1>: "idglobals",
      <relation-2>: <APS ID of the resource to relate>,

The above configuration contains the following elements:

  • id is an ID unique inside the current wizard data. Other configuration components can refer to the APS resource by its ID.

  • apsType the APS ID of the corresponding APS type as assigned in the APS application.

  • type refers to the standard APS type that defines properties, relationship, and methods for service profiles.

  • fields is a named list of the service profile properties and structures as declared in the corresponding APS type. In addition, it contains the profileName element to assign a default name to the service profile.

  • relations is a named list of relationship elements. Every element is a pair that binds a relation defined in the APS type (first element in the pair) with the APS ID of the paired APS resource (second element in the pair). If the paired APS resource is the root APS resource representing the APS application instance, use the "idglobals" value.


   "id": "idc2922c137c7a58",
   "type": "",
   "fields": {
      "profileName": "VPS mainstream profile"
   "relations": {
      "cloud": "idglobals"

Reseller Profile

Configuration of an APS resource presenting a reseller profile is explained in the Reseller Profile document.

Resource Types

The resourceTypes array is a list of resource types to be included into service templates. There are three kinds of APS types based on different resource classes as considered here.

Application Service Reference

Configuration Structure

The APS resources mentioned in the apsResources section are presented in a service template by the resources types based on the Application Service Reference resource class. In addition, a default configuration for the reference APS resource presenting the APS application instance (root resource) can also exist here.

The deployment configuration in the wizard data is as follows:

   "name": <RT name>,
   "id": <Digital ID unique in the present wizard data>,
   "resClass": "",
   "required": <true or false>,
   "rtfor": "",
   "actParams": {
      "resource_uid": "idc2922c137c7a58"

The above configuration contains the following elements:

  • name is an arbitrary name assigned to the resource type in the platform. Try to use an application specific name to avoid confusion with other resource types in the platform.

  • id is a digital ID unique in scope of the present wizard data. For the sake of reliability, assign a negative digit to avoid confusion with an ID of a resource type existing in the platform.

  • resClass refers to the Application Service Reference resource class coded as "".

  • required specifies if the resource type is required in the service template. For example, the resource type representing the APS application instance should be declared as required.

  • rtfor refers to the standard APS type containing the service profile schema or reseller profile schema.

  • The set of activation parameters actParams contains only one parameter resource_uid referring to the respective reference APS resource.


   "name": "VPS mainstream configuration",
   "id": -500003,
   "resClass": "",
   "required": false,
   "rtfor": "",
   "actParams": {
      "resource_uid": "idc2922c137c7a58"

Application Service

Resource types based on the Application Service resource class are used to create application resources for customers.

Configuration Structure

The deployment configuration of a resource type in the wizard data is as follows:

   "name": <RT name>,
   "id": <Digital ID unique in the present wizard data>,
   "resClass": "rc.saas.service",
   "required": <true of false>,
   "actParams": {
      "service_id": <Service ID>,
      "autoprovide_service": <1 or 0>

The above configuration contains the following elements:

  • name is an arbitrary name assigned to the resource type in the platform. Try to use an application specific name to avoid confusion with other resource types in the platform.

  • id is a digital ID unique in scope of the present wizard data. For the sake of reliability, assign a negative digit to avoid confusion with an ID of a resource type existing in the platform.

  • resClass refers to the Application Service resource class coded as "rc.saas.service".

  • required specifies if the resource type is required in the service template. For example, the resource type representing the customer tenant (management context) should be declared as required.

  • The set of activation parameters actParams contains the following parameters:

    • service_id refers to the service ID as specified in the package metadata.

    • autoprovide_service requires the resource auto-provisioning (1) or not (0). Normally, one of the resource types, usually the customer tenant (management context) must require auto-provisioning.


   "name": "VPS demo - virtual server",
   "id": -500007,
   "resClass": "rc.saas.service",
   "required": false,
   "actParams": {
      "service_id": "vpses",
      "autoprovide_service": 0

Application Counter

Resource types based on various Application Counter resource classes are used to create counters for resource consumption. A counter presents a properly configured property in an APS type. The latter typically is a type used to create a customer tenant (management context).

A counter is based on one of the following resource classes depending on the unit of measure.

Non-Additive Counters:

  • rc.saas.resource - disk or memory space measured in KB

  • rc.saas.resource.unit - number of items

  • rc.saas.resource.mhz - CPU frequency measured in MHz

  • rc.saas.resource.kbps - channel bandwidth or speed measured in Kbps

Additive Counters:

  • rc.saas.resource.kba - accumulated amount of data, for example network traffic

  • rc.saas.resource.unith - accumulated number of items measured in unit-hour

  • rc.saas.resource.mbh - accumulated space usage measured in MB-hour

  • rc.saas.resource.mhzh - accumulated CPU power measured in MHz-hour

  • rc.saas.resource.kbpsh - accumulated usage of network bandwidth measured in Kbps-hour

Get more explanation of counters and units of measure in the Resource Structures document.

Configuration Structure

   "name": <RT name>,
   "id": <Digital ID unique in the present wizard data>,
   "resClass": <Resource class code>,
   "required": <true or false>,
   "actParams": {
      "service_id": <Service ID>,
      "resource_id": <Property that defines the counter>

The above configuration contains the following elements:

  • name is an arbitrary name assigned to the resource type in the platform. Try to use an application specific name to avoid confusion with other resource types in the platform.

  • id is a digital ID unique in scope of the present wizard data. For the sake of reliability, assign a negative digit to avoid confusion with an ID of a resource type existing in the platform.

  • resClass refers to the Application Service Reference resource class using one of the codes presented in the previous section.

  • required specifies if the resource type is required in the service template.

  • The set of activation parameters actParams contains the following parameters:

    • service_id refers to the service ID as specified in the package metadata. The service must be the one bound with the corresponding APS type.

    • resource_id refers to the property in the corresponding APS type that defines the counter structure.


   "name": "VPS demo - CPU cores",
   "id": -500006,
   "resClass": "rc.saas.resource.unit",
   "required": false,
   "actParams": {
      "service_id": "contexts",
      "resource_id": "cpuusagetotal"

Service Template

The serviceTemplate object contains references to resource types with a limit on each of them.

Configuration Structure

   "name": <Default service template name>,
   "id": <Digital ID unique in the present wizard data>,
   "resources": [
         "limit": <Limit value>,
         "unlimited": <true or false>,
         "rtID": <Resource type ID>
      {<next resource>},

The above configuration contains the following elements:

  • name is an arbitrary name to assign to the service template. Try to use an application specific name to avoid confusion with other service templates in the platform.

  • id is a digital ID unique in scope of the present wizard data. For the sake of reliability, assign a negative digit to avoid confusion with an ID of a service template existing in the platform.

  • limit is a limit on the resource. It works if the unlimited property is false.

  • unlimited defines if the resource consumption is unlimited.

  • rtID refers to the id of a resource type defined earlier.


   "name": "VPS demo with the product deployment configuration",
   "id": -500008,
   "resources": [
         "limit": 1,
         "unlimited": false,
         "rtID": -500001
         "limit": 1,
         "unlimited": false,
         "rtID": -500002
         "limit": 0,
         "unlimited": false,
         "rtID": -500003
         "limit": 0,
         "unlimited": false,
         "rtID": -500004
         "limit": 0,
         "unlimited": true,
         "rtID": -500005