Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

Reseller Profile

This document explains the deployment configuration for a case, when an application must contain a default configuration of a reseller profile.


If an application must support delegation of the service template to resellers, it should define an APS type implementing the platform “” APS type. In this case, the wizard, when parsing the APS package, will notice such an APS type and allow the provider to create and configure an APS resource and then a respective resource type. The latter, when added to a service template, is used to delegate the service template to resellers.



The default reseller profile must meet the following structure:

"resellerProfile": {
   "id": <ID for reference inside the wizard data>,
   "apsType":  <APS type ID>,
   "type": "",
   "relations": {
      <relation-1>: "idglobals"

The above configuration contains the following elements:

  • id is an ID unique inside the current wizard data. Other configuration components can refer to the APS resource by its ID.

  • apsType the APS ID of the corresponding APS type as assigned in the APS application.

  • type refers to the standard APS type used to create the reseller profiles.

  • relations is a list of relation elements. Every element is a pair that binds a relation defined in the APS type (first element in the pair) with the APS ID of the paired APS resource (second element in the pair). If the paired APS resource is the root APS resource representing the APS application instance, use the “idglobals” value.


"resellerProfile":    {
   "id": "idcced499b78e4d8",
   "apsType": "",
   "type": "",
   "relations": {
      "cloud": "idglobals"

Further Configuration Steps

Once you have a reseller profile, you should create a resource type for it and then add the resource type to the service template.

Resource Type

Using a typical resource type structure, add a resource type for the created reseller profile, for example:

   "name": "Value added reseller",
   "id": -800005,
   "resClass": "",
   "required": false,
   "rtfor": "",
   "actParams": {
      "resource_uid": "idcced499b78e4d8"

Service Template

Add the resource type presenting the reseller profile to the service template in the default configuration using a typical service template structure, for example:

   "name": "VPS demo with the product deployment configuration",
   "id": -500008,
   "resources": [
         "limit": ,
         "unlimited": true,
         "rtID": -800005
      //... other resource types