Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

Integration Ecosystem

The APS controller, being installed in platform Operations Support System (OSS), considers the OSS management node, the Business Support System (BSS), and BSS Online Store in the same way as it considers other APS applications.

APS controller interacts with APS actors on the private network (Backnet) and on the public network (the Internet) through the following endpoints:

  • APS controller accepts REST requests on its endpoint via Backnet from APS applications and users. It also accepts REST requests from users through the OSS Brand/UI node that is not shown in the diagram.

  • Each of the platform components (OSS, BSS, and Online Store) exposes its own APS services on its endpoint.

  • Other APS applications can expose their endpoints either on internal endpoint hosts via Backnet or on external hosts via the Internet. The latter case is not shown on the above diagram.

This enables APS applications to interact with the platform specific resources, such as:

  • Accounts - for example, to bind the resource management context to the subscription owner

  • Subscriptions - for example, to bind the resource management context to the subscription

  • End-users - for example, to assign application resources to end-users (service users)