Ingram Micro CloudBlue Platform SDK

Last updated 17-Apr-2020

APS Types

For each service declared in metadata in the previous step, Kevin must define an APS type as explained here.

In this document:


Development Process

Currently, there are two ways of developing an APS type:

  • Define the APS type in a file with the *.schema extension.

  • Define the APS type in another source and then generate the schema during the package building. Currently, this way is supported by the APS PHP framework. For more details, refer to the latter document and to examples presented in the Get Started process and in the demo projects illustrating the Integration Procedures.

To use the first of the above-listed ways, Kevin must get familiar with the APS type structure and the rules to define resource properties, relationship, structures, and operations as explained in the Type Definition document. Typically, the process consists of the following steps:

  1. Create a schema skeleton following the Type Definition rules or just copying a schema file from one of sample packages.

  2. In the general section, define the apsVersion, name, id, and implements parameters.

  3. In the relations section, define the relationship with other APS types.

  4. In the structures section, define the structures to be used as types in properties and in operations.

  5. In the properties section, define all properties.

  6. In the operations section, define all custom operations.


For every APS type, Kevin must have a schema definition either created in a source file with the .schema extension or in another source (for example, in a PHP script) to be later generated as a file with the .schema.gen extension.

The schema files must be inside the schemas/ folder in the APS package.