Canceling a Subscription

To cancel a subscription:

  1. Open Operations > Subscriptions. The list of all subscriptions is displayed.
  2. Select the subscription you want to cancel. To do this, click on the respective link in the ID or in the Subscription Name column. Properties of the selected subscription appear on the screen.
  3. Click Cancel Subscription. The canceling subscription wizard starts.
  4. Specify the cancellation options.
    • Select the cancellation refund policy:
      • The Full Refund. Refund the full amount paid by customer.
      • Refund of the Pro-rated Recurring Fee. Refund only the pro-rated amount of the recurring fee for the full subscription period.
      • No refund. Do not refund.
    • Specify the reason for the refund:
      • Select the pre-defined reason for the subscription cancellation from the Reason Code list.
      • Enter the detailed comment into the Comment field.
    • Click Next.
  5. Confirm the cancellation order. Select, how the money will be returned to the customer:
    • Create a Credit Memo. Increase the customer account balance by placing a Credit Memo. Customer may use these money for future payments.
    • Create a Refund. Transfer money to customer. As soon as this option is selected, the menu for the payment method selection to transfer money is displayed.
  6. Click Place Order to finish the subscription cancellation.

When the subscription is cancelled, its services status depends on the respective service template settings. For more detail, see Destroying Cancelled Subscriptions.