Setting a Discount to Apply to a Resource

Discount is given to a customer when he orders additional amount of a resource and calculated as a percent of the resource cost defined in the service plan resource rates.

To make a discount applicable to a resource:

Important: If you need to set TOTAL MARGIN to 0% for a product item (for example, an Azure NCE resource), to avoid selling it below its cost to lower-level resellers and customers, do not apply discounts to this product item.

  1. Open Products > Marketing > Discounts. The list of available discounts (if any) appears on the screen.
  2. Select a discount which you want to make applicable to a resource by clicking on the respective link in the Name column. Discount properties appear on the screen.
  3. Proceed to the Discounted Resources tab. The list of discounted resources (if any) appears on the screen.
  4. Click Add New Discounted Resources. The adding resources in discount dialog starts.
  5. Mark resources that you want to be discounted by selecting respective check boxes.

    Note: The resource discount will be applied independently from Discounted Subscription Periods and Discounted Plans.

  6. Click Add Selected Resource(s) to finish adding resource to discount.