Adding an Operations Database Replica Node

At this step we imply that you have CloudBlue Commerce installed and UI on top of a cluster or on a standalone node configured.


You need to add Operations database replica nodes to your system. In case of UI on top of a cluster, you can choose from two options, add a single replica node for all web servers in the cluster on which you want to enable APS Booster, or add one replica node for each web server in the cluster. In case of UI on a standalone node, you need to add a single database replica node.

The database replica servers must meet the same requirements as the Operations database node.

Registering database replicas in CloudBlue Commerce

To add a database replica node do the following:

  1. Log in to Operations provider control panel.
  2. Go to Infrastructure > Service Nodes and click Add New Node.
  3. Pick the Generic Linux Node role for the node.
  4. Enter the IP address or hostname, and the root password. If authentication via public key is configured for the host, you can provide the key instead of the password. Click Next.
  5. Review the configuration and specify a custom host name for the host if needed. After that click Finish.
  6. Wait for the scheduled tasks to complete.

Repeat these steps for every database replica host you want to register.

Authorizing replica nodes

After you register all the nodes, you need to authorize them to act as replicas. For this purpose, do the following:

  1. Connect to the management node via SSH as root.
  2. Add the hostnames of all replica nodes to the /root/auth_hosts file.

Next, you need to configure the database replica nodes.