Checking If APS Booster is Operational
To ensure APS booster is operational, you can check how it responds to APS 2 queries.
Do the following:
- Log in to UX1 for Customers and open the browser console.
- Open the browser's developer's tools and select Network. Configure filtering to easily find XMLHTTP requests that contain the word 'implementing'.
- In UX1 for Customers switch to the Users tab.
- Click on the appeared request.
- In the Headers tab locate the Response Headers section.
If the booster is operational, among the response headers you will find the following: X-APSBooster-Response:true.
- If there is no such header, you need to re-enable the APS booster on the UI cluster.
To check if APS booster is operating on a particular web server, do the following:
- Log in to UX1 for Customers using the hostname of the web server you want to check.
- If the booster on this webserver is operational, among the response headers you will find the following: X-APSBooster-Response:true.
- If there is no such header, you might need to redeploy APS booster on that webserver.