Checking If APS Booster is Operational

To ensure APS booster is operational, you can check how it responds to APS 2 queries.

Do the following:

  1. Log in to UX1 for Customers and open the browser console.
  2. Open the browser's developer's tools and select Network. Configure filtering to easily find XMLHTTP requests that contain the word 'implementing'.
  3. In UX1 for Customers switch to the Users tab.
  4. Click on the appeared request.
  5. In the Headers tab locate the Response Headers section.
  6. If the booster is operational, among the response headers you will find the following: X-APSBooster-Response:true.

  7. If there is no such header, you need to re-enable the APS booster on the UI cluster.

To check if APS booster is operating on a particular web server, do the following:

  1. Log in to UX1 for Customers using the hostname of the web server you want to check.
  2. If the booster on this webserver is operational, among the response headers you will find the following: X-APSBooster-Response:true.
  3. If there is no such header, you might need to redeploy APS booster on that webserver.