Installing Locales

As a result of the installation of CloudBlue Commerce 20.5 using the installer script, only the English language pack is installed.

To install additional locales to your system:

  • Step 1: Check which locales are installed to your system.
  • Step 2: Install the locales to the Operations, Billing, and APS components.
  • Step 3 (for a K8s-based UI cluster only): Install the locales to your Kubernetes-based cloud deployment of UI Cluster.

Important: The maximum number of language packs allowed in the system is 8 (including English). Installed language packs cannot be removed.

Note: To order additional language packs, please contact CloudBlue Commerce support.

Step 1. Check the Installed Locales

To view the locales installed to your system:

  1. Log in to the Provider Control Panel > Operations.
  2. Go to System > Settings > Core > Locales. The installed locales will be displayed, including the English locale:


Step 2. Install Locales to Operations, Billing, and APS-based Components

To add locales to your system:

  1. Connect to the CloudBlue Commerce management node via SSH as root.
  2. Run the update script passing the necessary locales to the --add-locales parameter:

    oa-update --add-locales <LOCALE>[,<LOCALE2>]


    • <LOCALE> is the ISO country code; available locales are: {de|es|fr|it|ja|nl|pt|ru}


    oa-update --add-locales de,es,fr

    Note: During the locale installation, the Billing service will be restarted.

  3. To start using the newly added languages:
    1. After the locale installation is complete, re-log into CloudBlue Commerce.
    2. Enable the newly added languages on the login screen.

Step 3. Install Locales to a Kubernetes-based Cloud Deployment of a UI Cluster

To install the locales added above to a Kubernetes-based cloud deployment of UI cluster:

  1. Enter CloudBlue Commerce Management Node using SSH. Find the following values:
    • The UI service name (for example: branding-ui-test):
      1. Obtain a list of all services on the Management Node by executing the following command:

        kubectl get service
      2. Identify the UI service in the returned list of services.
    • The WildFly home path (for example: /usr/local/pem/wildfly-16.0.0.Final).
  2. Run the following script assigning the values that you found above to the corresponding parameters:

    export UI_CLUSTER_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l service=$UI_CLUSTER_SERVICE_NAME --no-headers  | head -1)
    kubectl exec $UI_CLUSTER_POD -- mkdir -p  /mnt/brands/pui_static/pem/resources
    IFS=', ' read -r -a array <<< "$locales"
    for locale in "${array[@]}"; do    ls -d $WILDFLY_HOME/ext/puiStatic/pem/resources/* | grep "$locale" | awk '{print "kubectl cp "  $1 " "  ENVIRON["UI_CLUSTER_POD"] ":/mnt/brands/pui_static/pem/resources"  }' | sh; done


    • <UI_SERVICE_NAME> is the UI service name you found above.
    • <WILDFLY_HOME_PATH> is the WildFly home path you found above.