Preparing PowerDNS Server

PowerDNS plug-in is shipped as two packages:

  • PowerDNS service controller (type sc) to be installed on CloudBlue Commerce MN.
  • Power DNS package (type service) to be installed on DNS server. PowerDNS configuration file is created automatically (/etc/pdns/pdns.conf). The PostgreSQL database for PowerDNS is installed from the CentOS/Red Hat Official Repository automatically.

To install PowerDNS server:

  1. Install the PowerDNS service controller (type sc) package on the CloudBlue Commerce MN. Refer to the Installing PPM Packages section.
  2. Install the PowerDNS package (type service) on the DNS server. Refer to the Installing PPM Packages section.

Note: CloudBlue Commerce 20.5 supports PowerDNS 4.1.4. Once you have the service installed according to the instructions above, you can upgrade it to PowerDNS version 4.x. For details, please refer to the respective KB article.