Prerequisites for UI Cluster Cloud Deployment

Before deploying a UI cluster on Azure, make sure that:

  • A Kubernetes version supported by CloudBlue Commerce is used in your AKS cluster. To obtain a list of supported Kubernetes versions, please refer to Appendix: Supported Kubernetes Versions.
  • Kubernetes (or K8s) and Helm are installed to the machine that you will be using to run the cloud deployment procedure.
  • K8s Helm 3.5.4 (or later) is configured to communicate with the CloudBlue Commerce main repository.

    Note: In the CloudBlue Commerce documentation, command options are provided for Helm 3. Helm 2 can also be used, but there may be differences in command options. If you already have Helm 2 installed, you can either migrate from it to Helm 3 or take into account differences in command options. For example, if a Helm 3 command cannot be performed due to such differences, you can find suitable Helm 2 command options.

  • Network communication between your CloudBlue Commerce management node and K8s is properly configured (that is, domain names of services in K8s are resolved from your CloudBlue Commerce management node).

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