Adding a New IP Pool

  1. Go to Infrastructure > IP Addresses.
  2. On the IP Pools tab, click Add New IP Pool.
  3. Specify the following parameters:
    • Name: the name of this IP pool.
    • Initial IP: the lower bound IP address.
    • Final IP: the upper bound IP address.
    • Netmask: the netmask of the IP pool subnet.
    • Gateway: the default gateway of the IP pool subnet.
    • Primary/Secondary Nameserver: the name servers' addresses for the IP pool.
  4. Specify the Pool available for parameters:
    • Everyone: select this value if you want this pool to be available for all your resellers and direct customers who can use IPs in their subscriptions.
    • Customers only: only your direct customers can use this IP pool.
    • Owner only: such an IP pool will be unavailable for subscribers, so that you can use it for your internal needs.
    • Specified customers: you can assign such an IP pool to particular customers.
  5. Specify the Purpose parameters, which define the purpose of IP the pool:

    Note: If a purpose is specified for an IP pool, this IP pool can be used only for this purpose. If you do not select a purpose, the IP pool will not be usable.

    • Branding configuration: the IP pool will be used for branding configuration.
    • Infrastructure configuration: the IP pool will be used for:
      • Shared IP address allocation to Apache and ProFTPD servers.
      • Exclusive IP address allocation to provide communication between the management node and any kind of CloudBlue Commerce agent.
    • Dedicated hosting: the IP pool will be used for exclusive IP address allocation to VPSes.
    • Shared Hosting: the IP pool will be used for exclusive IP address allocation to Apache and ProFTPD servers.

      Note: WebHosting Linux web clusters need the Share Hosting option to be enabled.

  6. Click Submit. The newly created IP pool will be immediately added to the IP pool list.

To edit an existing IP pool:

  1. Click the name of IP pool you wish to edit.
  2. Click Edit. In the IP pool editing screen enter the new values and click Submit to save them.

If you want to delete an IP pool, check it in the list of the IP Pools page and click Delete.