Creating a New PPM Group Operation
Group operations allow you to perform installation, upgrade or uninstallation on the selected packages on specified hosts.
Follow these steps to add a new group operation:
- Go to Infrastructure and click PPM group operations in the Packages group.
- Click the Create new PPM group operation link on the dashboard.
You will be offered to perform the first Wizard step – select operation type.
- By default, the radio button is in the Installation operation. Click Next to continue.
The second step implies selecting target hosts.
- Check the hosts for the PPM group operation to affect and click Next. Then select packages by checking in the corresponding check boxes. Then click Next.
Note: All the available packages will be displayed: the added ones and already installed.
- Review the summary and click Finish to complete the Wizard.
You can view the results of your group operation at the Operations > Tasks > Background tab > Scheduled Tasks subtab.
To upgrade or uninstall packages at hosts, select the radio button to the corresponding operation type at the first Wizard step.