Deploying or Upgrading the Order Management Microservice

Important: Starting CloudBlue Commerce 20.4, Order Management is required for CloudBlue Commerce installations. Deploying the Order Management application is the final step in the Billing deployment.

Installation Prerequisites

Hardware Requirements

The minimum Kubernetes resources required for the microservice deployment, including on-premise Kubernetes cluster deployment, are:

  • CPU:
  • Memory:

Firewall Requirements

The following ports must be open on the components cluster and Billing database node:

From To Protocol Port Purpose
CloudBlue Commerce Management Node Application node TCP 8081 For access to the Order Management service backend (HTTPS is used for communication)
Application node Billing database node TCP 5432 For connection to PostgreSQL database

Deploying the Order Management Microservice

To deploy the Order Management application:

  1. Using SSH, log in to CloudBlue Commerce management node as the root user.
  2. Run the following command:

    /usr/local/bin/helm install a8n/ordermanagement --name order-management --wait --timeout 900 \
    --set oauthkey=`uuidgen` --set oauthsecret=`uuidgen` \ --set dockerrepo="" \
    --set dspassword=<BSS_USER_PASSWORD> \
    --set dshost=<BSS_DB_BACKNET_IP>


    <BSS_USER_PASSWORD> – password to the Billing database.

    <BSS_DB_BACKNET_IP> – Billing database IP address.

After the Order Management microservice is deployed, the Billing deployment is complete.

Upgrading Order Management to the Latest Version

To upgrade the Order Management application:

  1. Connect to the Management Node under the root user via SSH.
  2. Check whether the new helm package for the application is in the repository:

    /usr/local/bin/helm repo update
    /usr/local/bin/helm search ordermanagement
  3. Update the Order Management application by running the command:

    /usr/local/bin/helm upgrade order-management a8n/ordermanagement --wait