Example: Customizing the Payments Data Set

To update the Payments tile title or description, or to add or delete any locale for the tile of the enabled data set, perform the following steps:

  1.  Get an APS token of the provider:
    1. Log in to the Operations PCP.
    2. Go to System > Settings > User APS tokens > admin.
    3. Copy the displayed text and paste it in the newly created aps.token file.
  2. Get the ID of the current data set:
    1. Create the following file:

    2. Save these two files on the CloudBlue Commerce management node, for example, in the /usr/local/bin directory.
    3. Run the get.payment.sh script to output the payment data set ID.

  3. Create or update the text in your existing payment.json file. Use this example for reference.

    Important: Increase the APS resource type version in this file; it must be http://www.odin.com/rde/global-data-set/1.1 for this example.

  4. Create the following file:

  5. Save the following three files on the CloudBlue Commerce management node, for example, in the /usr/local/bin directory:
    • payment.json
    • update.payment.sh
    • aps.token

  6. Run the update.payment.sh script to update the payment data set.

    Note: If the APS token created on Step 1 already expired, update the aps.token file with a new token and rerun the script.