Setting Up Visibility of On-Screen Billing Notifications

The settings responsible for the visibility of billing on-screen notifications are configured in Billing control panel > System > Settings > Customer CP.

The CCP v2 On-Screen Notifications Visibility option defines the set of Billing notifications that are displayed to customers in CCP v2. A provider can define the set of notifications that are displayed to customers in the control panel by choosing one of the following options:

  • All Billing Notifications Enabled. All Billing-related notifications are available in CCP v2. This option is used by default.
  • Only Invoices & Payments Notifications Disabled. Customers see notifications related to orders and subscriptions, but all notifications related to payments and invoices are hidden in CCP v2.
  • All Billing Notifications Disabled. All Billing notifications are hidden in CCP v2.

The options apply to CCP v2 only.