Adding BSS Application Node

  1. In Operations PCP, open Infrastructure > Service Nodes.
  2. Click Add New Node.
  3. In the Roles list, select BSS Application. The Add New Node wizard starts.
  4. In the Host field, enter the BSS Application node BackNet IP address, or a host name resolved to BackNet IP.
  5. Provide necessary authentication data and click Next.
  6. In the Public IP of BSS Application Node field, specify the public IP address or a host name resolved to the public IP address of the BSS Application node.
  7. In the BSS DB Hostname or IP field, specify the BSS Database server hostname or IP address.
  8. Select the Show Extended Parameters checkbox. Complete the BSS DB admin user and BSS DB admin user password fields.

    Important: Even though the fields are categorized as optional, you must complete either BSS DB admin user and BSS DB admin user password or BSS DB Host root user or sudo user and BSS DB Host root user password. If you complete the second pair of fields instead of the first pair, the installation script will deploy a PostgreSQL DB server with basic default settings; such deployment can be used for testing purposes.

  9. The fields BSS DB name, BSS DB user, and BSS DB user password are optional. If not set, BSS DB user password will be generated and BSS DB name and BSS DB user will be set to pba (the default value).

  10. Click Next.
  11. Specify the BackNet and FrontNet IP addresses for the BSS Application node:

    • Backnet IP address: the IP address to communicate with the management node. If you are not sure which address to select, check the subnet at System > Settings > Public API, at the Access Point field.
    • Shared IP address: the FrontNet IP address of the BSS Application node.
    • Optionally, specify a custom host name for the node. Select the Specify custom hostname check box and specify the required custom host name in the Hostname field.

      Note: The specified custom host name will be displayed in Operations control panel. To make the custom host name resolvable via DNS, the appropriate A DNS Record should be created.

  12. Click the Finish button. After that, you will get the following message:

    "The host was registered in the product database. A number of tasks needed to complete the attaching of the host to the system were started. You can check the tasks' status in Operations > Tasks."

    Note: On the Operations > Tasks screen, you can identify the tasks related to the BSS node registering by the host name that is resolved from the IP you specified at step 4 of this section, for example: Prepare node '' to CloudBlue Commerce agent installation.

  13. If any of the above tasks fail, view the logs, eliminate cause of the issues and restart the task.

With the execution of tasks, you will be logged out from Operations control panel. Log in to the panel again and wait for the tasks to complete with the "Successful" status. Once the creation of the BSS Application node has completed, the Billing link will appear at the header of Operations control panel.

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