Billing Containers Configuration Files

Designation and ways of Billing configuration files customization are described in this subsection.

We do not recommend to change anything in Billing default configuration files. Default configuration files may be considered as templates. However, if such a necessity arises, there is a safe way of applying customization.

Billing configuration files are located in the ~bm/etc/ssm.conf.d directory. Default file names start with a dot. For example, .PEMGATE.conf or .www.conf.

Files named in upper case as well as files named in lower case starting from Billing define Billing containers configuration applicable to service gates and plug-ins installation and specification, mostly there are dependencies for each container. Files named in lower case contain service specific parameters of Billing platform.

In order to customize a configuration file, it is necessary to manually create a copy of this file named similarly, but without starting dot. For example, to customize www configuration file, copy the .www.conf into www.conf and change this copy.

For fresh Billing installation, the ~bm/etc/ssm.conf.d directory contains only default configuration files. Billing post-installation script creates a copy of the .global.conf file called global.conf. This is the only exception. The .global.conf file contains Billing default global parameters. Post-installation script prompts for some parameters change. In this case, the copy of default configuration file is created to save changes made during post-installation script run. In this case, only changed parameters are saved in the global.conf file, that is, the post-configuration script saves changes according to customization rules applicable to all configuration files.

All configuration files have similar structure. Parameters defined in any of configuration files are grouped by sections. Section name is specified in square brackets at the beginning of the section. Parameters without section name specified are automatically fall into the [global] section that contains global paths for a container. The [global] section explicit definition is not required. Other sections that are to be defined explicitly are:

  • [options]: container start/stop/autostart settings as well as list of containers to be started and stopped together with a given container, that is, dependencies, logs directory.
  • [environment]: environment variables to be passed to a container.
  • [arguments]: command line arguments to be passed.

We strongly recommend that you leave only customized strings in the copy of configuration file template.

In case all strings from template configuration file have been copied, the following situation may take place: original configuration file is changed (for example, after upgrade installation), but in the copy strings remain obsolete. Such a mismatch is treated as customization by Billing, that is, obsolete settings taken from custom configuration file are applied.

For customization to be applied correctly, it is necessary to explicitly specify the section name and parameter name in a custom configuration file.

Note: To apply customization, it is necessary to restart Billing (/etc/init.d/pba restart). If customization is applied to a particular container, it is necessary to restart this container (/etc/init.d/<container_name> restart).

Configuration files are parsed in the following order (let us assume in this example that container name is name):

  • .global.conf
  • global.conf
  • .name.conf
  • name.conf

The resulting configuration file contains all the parameters defined in global configuration file template, added or re-defined ones in custom global.conf, parameters defined in container template config, and finally, parameters added or redefined in container custom configuration file (in our example, name.conf).

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