Configuring Tiered Prices per Resource Rates Period

Important: Before you start configuring tiered pricing for a particular subscription period applicable to a resource, make sure that there is no promotions with a fixed Setup, Recurring or Overuse fee configured for this resource period. Otherwise, it will be impossible to configure tiered pricing of these fees for this resource period. For more detail on promotions, see Managing Promotions.

Note: If Rating Engine is installed, you can use volume pricing instead of tiered pricing for chosen service plans.

To configure tiered pricing for a particular period of a resource:

  1. In the control panel, go to Products > Service Plans. The list of existing service plans is displayed.
  2. Click the name of the service plan for which you want to configure tiered pricing. The plan General properties are displayed.
  3. Switch to the Resource Rates tab. The list of resources included into the chosen service plan is displayed.
  4. Click the name of the resource for which you want to configure tiered pricing. The resource General properties are displayed.
  5. Switch to the Resource Rate Period tab and click the name of a period for which you want to configure tiered pricing ( if necessary, add a Resource Rate Period). The period properties are displayed.
  6. Click the Edit Price Level button and add the necessary number of levels (price tiers with their boundaries) for the Setup, Overuse and Recurring fees.

    Use the Add and Remove links to add or remove price levels.

    • The Lower Limit parameter value must be unique for each price Level.
    • If you want to set the Fee parameter to zero for some Level of resources over-usage, such a Level must be in the last position of the resource limits scale (the upper Level)–in case of ascending order of discounts. That is, only resources included in the upper overuse limits can be provided for free. In the case you use the descending order of discounts, the zero Fee must be in the first position of the resource limits scale (the lower Level of a resource overuse).

  7. If necessary, fill in the SKU fields to assign SKUs either to each Level of prices or only to the first level; in this case, all the subsequent levels will inherit the same SKU by default.

    • Setting a unique SKU for each price Level is necessary when payments data is processed automatically: it is the only way to distinguish one price Level from another.
    • SKUs must be created in advance. See the Configuring SKUs section for the information on how to do that.

  8. Click Save to apply your settings. Tiered pricing is configured for the chosen subscription period of the selected resource.
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