Creating a New Service Plan
Depending on your needs, the service type, and how the service carrier system is integrated with CloudBlue Commerce, you can create service plans in a number of ways:
- (Recommended) To conveniently create multiple service plan configurations for different service types and mass-delegate them to resellers, use PCM and Product Inventory.
- For usage-based (PAYG) services:
To use the same usage billing policies as service vendors, to be able to receive and process vendor-rated usage data, follow Creating Service Plans for PAYG Services.
Note: For required CloudBlue Commerce components, please see About Usage Collector.
- (Classic PAYG solutions*) For usage data delivered by APS applications, create service plans based on Operations service templates.
- For 'minimum commitment' based offers, please follow Creating Minimum Commitment-Based Offers.
- For offers with volume pricing, please follow Creating an Offer with Volume Pricing.
(Classic solutions) For a broad range of services, to create service plans one by one, follow the classic wizard steps below.
The Classic Service Plan Creation Wizard
- Go to the classic Provider Control Panel. In the top menu, switch from Operations to Billing.
- Go to Products > Service Plans. Click Add New Service Plan.
Choose Service Plan Type by selecting one of the options:
- Generic Service Plan: used for a broad range of offerings and services among which are:
- Minimum commitment-based service plans: for service offers based on customers' minimum monthly spending commitment.
- PAYG service plans: for usage-based services.
- Offers with volume pricing.
- Domain Registration Service Plan
- Generic Service Plan: used for a broad range of offerings and services among which are:
Click Next and follow the wizard. For instructions, click the corresponding link above. For different service plan types, the wizard steps are different.