Notes on Usage Consumption Type of a Resource

The Usage consumption type does not allow you to change the additional limit of a resource in a subscription. It is always equal to zero.

It can be used for postpaid (measurable, usage-based) resources, as it allows you to set setup or recurring fees to zero, which in turn enables Product Inventory features.

It makes sense to use Usage consumption type resources for PAYG services. For such services, you can configure Usage consumption type resources with an overuse fee while setting zero values for recurring and setup fees. That is, it will be not possible to buy an additional resource amount. For instructions on how to set the Usage consumption type for a resource, refer to this KB article.

However, it is not the right solution for prepaid (non-measurable, limit-based) resources. The same effect can be reached by setting IncludedValue=MaximumValue in resource rates, which is not valid for postpaid resources, because it disables resource overuse.

UX1 for Resellers

A resource of the Usage type is displayed in UX1 for Resellers as follows:

  • A reseller places a Sales Order:

    A resource of the Usage type is displayed only at the Review Offer step if an Overuse fee is specified while Recurring and Setup fees are set to zero.

    Note: It is not possible to modify a resource limit for such a resource.

  • A reseller places a Change Order:

    A resource of the Usage type is displayed only at the first step of the change wizard if an Overuse fee is specified while Recurring and Setup fees are set to zero.

    Note: It is not possible to modify a resource limit for such a resource.

A reseller can adjust prices (set special prices) for resources of the Usage type with the specified Overuse fee on resource rates for end-customer subscriptions.


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