The Deployment Model
The deployment model of CloudBlue Commerce is modular. All components are divided into two groups: mandatory components and optional components. Mandatory components provide basic functionalities and are installed by default. Optional components can be installed according to your business needs and requirements.
For example, if you are a European service provider and you decided to provide cloud services through CloudBlue Commerce, while using your own online store for sales, you may need to install the following components:
Operations Support System (oss)
Billing Support System (bss)
UI and Branding (branding-ui-cluster)
Payment SDK (payment-sdk)
GDPR Compliance (gdpr-backend)
Identity Service (idp-backend)
Order Management (ordermanagement)
Reporting and Data Export (rateddataexport)
User Account Management (uam)
The complete list of components is outlined in the table.
Component | Type |
Operations Support System (oss) | Mandatory |
Billing Support System (bss) | Mandatory |
UI and Branding (branding-ui-cluster) | Mandatory |
Payment Management (paymentmanagement) | Mandatory |
Payment SDK (payment-sdk) | Mandatory |
CloudBlue Store (appstore) | Mandatory |
Product Lifecycle Management (inhouse-products) | Recommended |
Rating Engine (ratingengine-backend) | Recommended |
Approval Engine (approvalengineapp) | Optional |
Discount Manager (discountmanager) | Optional |
Domain SDK (domain-sdk) | Optional |
Fraud SDK (fraud-sdk) | Optional |
GDPR Compliance (gdpr-backend) | Optional |
Identity Service (idp-backend) | Optional |
Loyalty Program (loyalty-program) | Optional |
Rating Engine (ratingengine-backend) | Optional |
Rating Orchestrator (rating-orchestrator) | Optional |
Reporting and Data Export (rateddataexport) | Optional |
Order Management (ordermanagement) | Optional |
Usage Collector (usagecollector) | Optional |
User Account Management (uam) | Optional |
Vendor-rated Data Manager | Optional |
UX1 Subscription Management (ux1-ui) | Optional (contact your technical account manager) |
UX1 Marketplace (ux1-marketplace) | Optional (contact your technical account manager) |
Native Integrations (psa-integration) | Optional (contact your technical account manager) |
SimpleAPI (cmpapi) | Optional |
Microsoft Online Management (msonlinemgmt) | Optional (contact your technical account manager) |
After you decide which components you need, you can start planning your cloud infrastructure.