Updating General Component Settings

On an existing CloudBlue Commerce installation, you can update the following general component settings specified in your config.yaml file:

      ENV_SMTP_AUTH: "yes"
  • components.a8n-config.env.TZ: The name of the time zone of your installation in the Area/Location format. For example: America/New_York

    Note: You can see more examples of time zone names here.

  • components.a8n-config.env.ENV_LOCALES: The default locales that will be enabled on your installation (en, es, de, fr, it, ja, nl, pt, and ru). When specifying several locales, use a comma as a separator. For example: en,es,de

  • components.a8n-config.env.ENV_SMTP_HOST: The hostname or IP address of the SMTP server that you prepared.

  • components.a8n-config.env.ENV_SMTP_PORT: The port of the SMTP server that you prepared.

  • components.a8n-config.env.ENV_SMTP_LOGIN: The user name of a user for SMTP authentication.

  • components.a8n-config.env.ENV_SMTP_PASSWORD: The password of a user for SMTP authentication.

After you update the settings that you need in your config.yaml file, complete these steps:

  1. Create a deployment container and start its interactive shell. To learn how to do this, see Preparing a Deployment Container.

  2. In the interactive shell of the container, execute this command:

    setup-product.sh -n NAMESPACE -f /config/config.yaml -c a8n-config

    In this command, NAMESPACE is the namespace of your CloudBlue Commerce installation.

  3. Restart all components:

    1. Prepare a list of all Deployments and StatefulSets by executing these commands:

      kubectl -n NAMESPACE get deployments
      kubectl -n NAMESPACE get statefulsets
    2. Restart all Deployments and StatefulSets from the list that you prepared:

      kubectl -n NAMESPACE rollout restart deployment DEPLOYMENT
      kubectl -n NAMESPACE rollout restart sts STATEFULSET

    In these commands:

    • NAMESPACE is the namespace of your CloudBlue Commerce installation.

    • DEPLOYMENT is the name of a Deployment whose Pods you need to restart.

    • STATEFULSET is the name of a StatefulSet whose Pods you need to restart.

Note: The following components use the time zone specified in config.yaml for synchronization: Operations Support System (oss), Billing Support System (bss), UI and Branding (branding-ui-cluster), Rating Orchestrator (rating-orchestrator), Rating Engine (ratingengine-backend), and Order Management (ordermanagement).

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