CloudBlue Overview

CloudBlue Commerce is a comprehensive, easy to manage cloud services automation solution that empowers cloud providers to efficiently provision, manage, and sell both syndicated cloud and self-hosted services through a single cloud platform.

CloudBlue Commerce combines two functional blocks – operations support system (Operations) and business support system (Billing).

Operations is responsible for resource allocation, service provisioning, infrastructure management, DNS management, branding configuration, and system monitoring. For more detailed information about the system orchestration, refer to the Operations Provider's Guide.

Billing is responsible for product and pricing management, ordering and invoicing, payment processing, account and user management, subscription management, channel management (reseller management), notification management, configuration of discounts and promotions, and generating sales reports. For more detailed information about billing configuration and management, refer to the Billing Provider's Guide.

For information about how to deploy the CloudBlue Commerce platform, please refer to the CloudBlue Commerce Deployment Guide.

The scheme below shows a high-level functional map of the CloudBlue Commerce platform.

What Can I Use CloudBlue Commerce for?

CloudBlue Commerce covers vast aspects of cloud business management, including:

  • Application management
  • Cloud and hosting service orchestration and provisioning
  • Branding configuration
  • Multi-sales channel management (self-service customer control panel and in-panel marketplace)
  • Multi-tier reseller channel management and service sales delegation
  • Billing management (ordering, invoicing, subscription management, payment processing and other)
  • Marketing campaigns (configuring discounts and promotions for services)

You can sell various cloud services using the CloudBlue Commerce platform. The services are easily integrated with the platform using the APS Standard technology and the CloudBlue Connect service integration framework. With CloudBlue Commerce, you can sell SaaS and IaaS services. For more detailed information about different services, please refer to the What Services I Can Sell section.

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