Customizing the Locale and Installing Custom Locales to OSS

In addition to the default locales, you can install custom language packs.


  1. Format requirements:

  2. Activation requirements:

    1. To the global config map a8n-config, add the necessary locale IDs to the ENV_LOCALES parameter. If there is no ENV_LOCALES parameter, add it with the value equal to a comma-separated list of locale abbreviations. For example:

      Note: Custom locales must be added using the my_MY format by contrast with the default locale format ru. The full list of ISO 3166 codes is available at

      kubectl edit cm a8n-config
        ENV_LOCALES: ru,en,de,my_MY
    2. Restart UI and Branding:

      kubectl rollout restart deployment  branding-ui-cluster-ui
    3. Restart the oss-node pod:

      kubectl rollout restart sts  oss-node

Installing Custom Locales

To install a custom language pack to the OSS component of your CloudBlue Commerce installation:

  1. In Operations, go to System > Settings > Core > Locales and click Add.
  2. Enter the following information about the new locale:
    • Language code: Enter a combination of the ISO 639-1 language code and a two-letter ISO 3166 country code, for example: en_US, fr_FR. The full list of ISO 3166 codes is available at
    • Language name: Enter the language name that will be displayed on the login screen.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. In the Locales screen, click the newly added locale name.
  5. Upload a locale package to the system: switch to the Source Locale Files tab; click Import Language Pack, choose and upload the file.
  6. Make the newly added custom language available for choice in the UI.

Customizing Translation in a Locale File

To update a locale file:

  1. In the top menu of the classic panel, click Operations. Go to System > Settings > Core > Locales.
  2. Click the necessary locale. Switch to the Source Locale Files tab.
  3. Download the current locale version: find the necessary file and click Download.
  4. Outside the system, make the necessary changes to the locale file.
  5. Upload the customized file to the system as described below.

Uploading Customized Locale Files

After customizing translated text in a locale file, upload it to the system:

  1. In Operations, go to System > Settings > Core > Locales. Click the locale name.
  2. Switch to the Customized Locale Files tab and click Add.
  3. Click Browse, find the custom locale file, and click Submit.

    Note: Customized files in the Customized Locale Files prevail over the source files in the Source Locale Files tab.

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