What's New in OSS
OSS 21.15.170 (March 14, 2024)
OSS 21.15.165 (February 28, 2024)
OSS 21.15.157 (February 7, 2024)
OSS 21.15.154 (January 25, 2024)
OSS 21.15.152 (January 16, 2024)
OSS 21.15.150 (January 8, 2024)
OSS 21.14.92 (December 22, 2023)
OSS 21.14.89 (November 28, 2023)
OSS 21.14.80 (November 1, 2023)
OSS 21.14.73 (October 24, 2023)
OSS 21.12.119 (August 10, 2023)
OSS 21.10.155 (April 12, 2023)
OSS 21.9.220 (February 27, 2023)
OSS 21.9.219 (January 26, 2023)
OSS 21.9.215 (January 20, 2023)
OSS 21.9.214 (January 13, 2023)
OSS 21.8-364 (November 18, 2022)
OSS 21.8-363 (November 4, 2022)
OSS 21.8-362 (October 28, 2022)
OSS 21.8-359 (October 20, 2022)
OSS 21.8-357 (September 27, 2022)
OSS 21.7-232 (September 19, 2022)
OSS 21.7-230 (September 9, 2022)
OSS 21.5-405 (February 22, 2022)
OSS 21.15.170 (March 14, 2024)
This is a patch release.
OA-38591 There could be a memory leak in OSS which could cause system outage.
Note: The problem was caused by both BSS and OSS. To have it fixed, in addition to this patch, the BSS version 21.15.282 or later must be installed.
OSS 21.15.168 (March 7, 2024)
This is a patch release.
PFR-6984 The new Show Appstore menu items in UX1 for resellers and Show Marketplace API menu in UX1 privileges have been added to allow resellers to see the Marketplace Apps and Marketplace API menu items in the UX1 panel.
OSS 21.15.165 (February 28, 2024)
This is a patch release.
OA-38592 OSS Kubernetes pod could eventually run out of memory.
OA-38559 Transferring subscriptions from one to another customer could fail with error: "Unable to change subscriptions owner. APS application has associations with resources from unaffected subscriptions".
OSS 21.15.157 (February 7, 2024)
This is a patch release.
OA-38154 It was possible to delete accounts without the necessary privilege.
OA-38096 BSS transactions became abandoned if a PLM pod restarted while the transactions were still open, which could lead to provisioning failure.
Important: This patch must be installed with BSS version 21.15.239 or later and UI and Branding21.15.112 or later.
OSS 21.15.152 (January 16, 2024)
This is a patch release.
OA-37765 It was not possible to set the thread pool size for OSS permanently.
OA-37846 It was possible to delete accounts without the necessary privilege.
BSS 21.15
UI and Branding 21.15
Payment Management 21.15
OSS 21.15.154 (January 25, 2024)
PFR-7113 To provide a more granular access control of the UX1 Customers section and its sub-menu item visibility, the following privilege has been introduced:
View Customers Orders
If this privilege is enabled for a user role, staff members will be able to see customers’ orders. This privilege will be added to all user roles that have the Customer Accounts: View privilege automatically.
The Subscriptions: View privilege now allows staff members to see customer subscriptions in the read-only mode.
To make the Customers navigation menu visible to the users that have the Unite role assigned, the following privilege configuration should be applied as well:
Customer's CP Access: Enabled
Own CP Access: Enabled
Own Customer's CP Access: Enabled
Customer Accounts: View
View Customers Orders: Disabled
Subscriptions: View Disabled
PFR-7045 The Customer Accounts: Manage and Reseller Accounts: Manage privileges now allow staff members to modify customer and reseller accounts correspondingly.
To create customers, the Customer Accounts: Admin privilege must be added to a user role.
Important: This patch must be installed with BSS version 21.15.239 or later and UI and Branding 21.15.112 or later.
OSS 21.15.152 (January 16, 2024)
This is a patch release.
OA-37765 It was not possible to set the thread pool size for OSS permanently.
OA-37846 It was possible to delete accounts without the necessary privilege.
BSS 21.15
UI and Branding 21.15
Payment Management 21.15
OSS 21.15.150 (January 8, 2024)
OA-36961 A user could access Audit Trail without the necessary privilege.
BSS 21.15
UI and Branding 21.15
Payment Management 21.15
OSS 21.14.92 (December 22, 2023)
This is a patch release that contains internal improvements only.
BSS 21.14
UI and Branding 21.14
Payment Management 21.14
OSS 21.14.89 (November 28, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-37385 An error occurred when trying to register a domain with a dash in its name.
BSS 21.14
UI and Branding 21.14
Payment Management 21.14
OSS 21.14.80 (November 1, 2023)
This is a patch release that contains internal improvements only.
BSS 21.14
UI and Branding 21.14
Payment Management 21.14
OSS 21.14.73 (October 24, 2023)
OA-36556 Cancellation orders were stuck in the “Provisioning is in progress” status, even when their related Cancellation Requests in Connect were already approved.
OA-35714 The RQL translator generated the wrong SQL since SQL ordering is not equivalent to RQL ordering.
OA-35597 The audit log failed on NotificationTemplate POST. The NotificationTemplate payload was not processed successfully.
OA-29723 It was possible to know the number of password characters by counting the asterisks in the password field.
OA-23965 The getApplicationsInfo method was reading unnecessary data that could break its logic.
BSS 21.14
UI and Branding 21.14
Payment Management 21.14
OSS 21.12.119 (August 10, 2023)
OA-35336 Security of TLS connections was hardened.
OA-35158 The External logout URL system property value redefined for a reseller was ignored and provider's value was taken instead.
OA-34807 Resellers could not manage payment methods in UX1 while their account was on hold.
OA-35615 Processing of a delayed task queue could get stuck.
OA-35475 An error occurred when switching to the Service Templates tab in a resource details screen in the classic panel.
OA-2372 If a domain had a manually added NS record, it was not possible to add an NS record for its subdomain.
OA-28938 Subscription ID could not be updated for a DNS zone resource which could lead to issues when adding DNS records for a domain.
OA-34528 An order for domain renewal could fail instead of getting to the LO status.
OA-35544 Some UX1 screens were displayed incorrectly on ultra wide monitors.
BSS 21.12
UI and Branding 21.12
Payment Management 21.12
OSS 21.11.82 (May 19)
This release includes a security improvement and the following fix:
OA-34213 Order provisioning could get stuck or fail due to an incorrect response of an internal method.
BSS 21.11
UI and Branding 21.11
Payment Management 21.11
OSS 21.10.156 (May 09, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-34504 The OSS node did not start after upgrade to CloudBlue Commerce version 21.10 due to the issue with the startProbe timeout.
BSS 21.10
UI and Branding 21.10
Payment Management 21.10
OSS 21.10.155 (April 12, 2023)
OA-32318 A redundant privilege 'UX1 Anonymous context' was present in the platform.
OA-33222 Search did not work in Audit Trail.
OA-33904 Updating two subscriptions within a single change order could fail.
OA-33017 Cancellation of a failed cancellation order could lead to inconsistencies in resource usage data.
OA-33632 Database precheck failed because of the failed 'Upgrading BSSFacade resources' task.
OA-31765 Sometimes, after a new version of the skin was installed and updated for a brand, the brand's skin did not change.
OA-33749 In UX1 panel with New Experience enabled, the width of wide logos could be decreased.
OA-33404 When adding a new sales currency in Currency Management, the selection could be empty.
OA-32322 In UX1, scrolling down the side menu was not possible.
BSS 21.10
UI and Branding 21.10
Payment Management 21.10
OSS 21.9.220 (February 27, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-33638 Domain registration could fail with the error: "plugin" is null.
OSS 21.9.219 (January 26, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-33065 Tasks for brand synchronization failed with the error Cannot invoke "String.isEmpty()".
OSS 21.9.215 (January 20, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-32989 After the upgrade to version 21.9.214, resellers could not be created using an existing reseller template.
OA-29703 A transferred domain could not be canceled.
BSS 21.9
UI and Branding 21.9
Payment Management 21.9
OSS 21.9.214 (January 13, 2023)
- PFR-5830 Co-terming New Subscriptions on Purchase
Now, newly purchased subscriptions can be co-termed, allowing you to align their expiration dates and billing periods to another subscription or to the end of the calendar month. This can be useful for managing multiple subscriptions from the same vendor at once and help optimize accounting efforts. Learn more about this feature in this guide.
PFR-5901 Co-terming of Existing Subscriptions
Existing subscriptions can now be co-termed so that their expiration dates and billing periods are aligned to another subscription or to the end of the calendar month. This ability is disabled by default and needs to be enabled system-wide. For instructions and more information about the feature, refer to this guide.
OA-32833 Activation date validation could fail for cancellation orders.
OA-29373 GDPR report creation could fail if a customer's domain information contained empty additional parameters.
OA-29258 Some domain operations could fail if the registrar was changed for the respective TLD.
BSS 21.9
UI and Branding 21.9
Payment Management 21.9
Other microservices required for specific scenarios
Co-terming features require the following components:
Rating Engine 1.17.3309 or later.
Order Management 1.9.562 or later.
PLM 1.7.432 or later.
UX1 Subscription Management 5.1.1504 or later.
SimpleAPI 1.10 or later.
OSS 21.8-364 (November 18, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-32117 BSS component details in CB Store could not load due to low screen performance.
OSS 21.8-363 (November 4, 2022)
This release brings the following fixes:
OA-32034 After upgrading to OSS 21.8, customers could not cancel failed Change Orders with increased resource limits.
OSS 21.8-362 (October 28, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-31903 In the 'pem.getAccountInfo' API method response, there was an extra whitespace at the end of the middle_name parameter name.
OA-31964 Multiple screens in the PCP failed to load with different errors after the upgrade to OSS 21.8.
OSS 21.8-359 (October 20, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-31697 The pem.addSubscription API method can now be called.
OSS 21.8-357 (September 27, 2022)
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
The new module Audit trail has been introduced. This module records and stores activities that a user performs in the system, such as uploading an Excel file in the PLM component, placing an order in the UX1 Marketplace or through API, and editing account parameters.
For each operation, information is available on who, when, from which web browser and which IP address performed such an operation. Supplementary data for each operation is also available, including the service plan or subscription ID for which an order was placed and other technical information on performed methods.
The Audit trail component is a robust data source for auditing and security assessment. Therefore, the system signs all records and performs periodic integrity checks. In case of chain failure, such a check fails, and the system owner is notified.
• Currently, only records on activity in the UX1 Marketplace or through API (APS and SimpleAPI) are stored in the Audit trail module.
• By default, the Audit trail component is not active in the system. You need to install this application from the CloudBlue Store. As data recording and storage significantly impacts system performance, we recommend installing this only when necessary. Also, consider only logging required operations in the component settings. -
For Connect products managed through PLM, changes of the auto-renewal status (performed through the UX1 Subscription management) are now propagated to a vendor.
Resolved issues:
OA-29952 Creating a large quantity of product items in PLM took too long.
OA-30324 Sometimes, the OSS pod could not be started.
OA-30915 Many core dump files were generated on the MN, which caused an OOM error.
OA-18374 Adding a domain using the "addDomainRequest" API method could create duplicate records.
OA-29856 PLM upgrade could fail if asynchronous provisioning was run.
OA-31282 Switching a DNS zone with DNSSEC hosted on PowerDNS to "External" failed with an error.
OA-31370 Adding the CNAME record to the PowerDNS plugin in the pre-signed DNSSEC mode failed.
OA-31165 Sometimes, subscription renewal orders failed due to the "Delivering of event notification Renew subscription" task failing.
OA-31197 Logging for the PowerDNS service has been improved.
OSS 21.7-232 (September 19, 2022)
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
The BSS usage collector is now used to count the usage of PLM-based products.
Fixed issue:
OA-31423 Removing a O365 APS2 subscription took too long.
OSS 21.7-230 (September 9, 2022)
This release brings the fixes of the following issues:
OA-30568 Upgrade of a Connect product could not be performed from UX1 with New Experience enabled.
OA-30436, OA-30435 Plans names and descriptions in Hebrew, Slovenian or Serbian languages were not displayed in UX1.
OSS 21.7-193 (August 1, 2022)
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
The ability to hide or display the New Experience toggle in the UX1 panel with the Enable new experience system property.
PostgreSQL 13 can now be used for the databases of CloudBlue Commerce components. This PostgreSQL version brings significant performance and security improvements. To learn more about these improvements, please refer to the following articles:
To upgrade PostgreSQL on your database servers, use the "Upgrading Data via pg_dumpall" upgrade method described in the PostgreSQL documentation.
- PostgreSQL 11 reaches its EOL on 9 November 2023. If you are using this PostgreSQL version on your CloudBlue Commerce installation, we recommend that you upgrade PostgreSQL to version 13 beforehand.
- When upgrading PostgreSQL on your database servers, use the parallel mode ofpg_dump
to speed up the upgrade. We recommend that you use 16 jobs when running these utilities.
OSS 21.7-190 (July 21, 2022)
This release adds support for new features in CloudBlue Store 1.5:
UX1 themes can now be obtained through CloudBlue Store.
Notifications about available component updates are now displayed in Classic Panel.
Read more about these features in CloudBlue Store release notes.
OSS 21.7-185 (July 1, 2022)
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-30092 Support for Kubernetes v1.22 has been added.
OSS 21.7-181 (June 17, 2022)
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-29336 It was impossible to enable the 'Use this resource to collect usage for products with a variable set of usage-based items' activation parameter for a PLM resource.
OA-28811 Adding a DNS record to a domain in UX1 for Customers failed with error.
A number of security improvements have been implemented.
OSS 21.6-243 (June 8, 2022)
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-29610 The product disappeared from the menu in UX1 for Customers after canceling a failed cancellation order for the subscription.
OA-29563 The PCM wizard could fail with the error: Response is closed.
OSS 21.6-239 (May 31, 2022)
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-29135 The "sr_RS", "Serbian" and "sl_SI", "Slovensko" custom locales were not displayed in UX1.
OSS 21.6-232 (May 8, 2022)
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-29022 The Change Order could fail due to the activation date not being reset.
OSS 21.6-230 (April 15, 2022)
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-28476 The order for switching a MS 365 APS2 plan from Trial to Paid got stuck.
OSS 21.6-229 (April 1, 2022)
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-28233 A task name for an APS application change order was non-informative. Now it contains the APS application name and endpoint to simplify search by application.
OA-28102 Now, provisioning of PLM subscriptions is faster, and OSS uses less CPU.
OSS 21.5-410 (March 21, 2022)
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-28057 End customers could not log in to their UX1 for Customers from a third-party system.
OSS 21.5-409 (March 15, 2022)
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
The new implementation of the BIND DNS hosting service now supports reverse DNS zones. This allows users to create and manage reverse DNS zones through the provider control panel. To learn more, please refer to this section.
OSS 21.5-405 (February 22, 2022)
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
A default reseller branding service template and service plan are now configured during CloudBlue Commerce installation, which optimizes system configuration and streamlines reseller onboarding.
The utility that adjusts the CloudBlue Commerce database configuration - CB-PgTune - was updated to version 1.32. This version brings significant performance during automatic vacuuming of the database on highly loaded systems. However, if a database node lacks resources, performance can decrease instead. For recommendations how to plan system resources, refer to the Planning the Resources of Your Cloud Infrastructure section.
A number of security improvements have been implemented.
OA-26706 After adding a locale add-on to the system, a new privilege was added with that add-on by mistake.
OA-26834 During the upgrade of NCE Microsoft 365 Commercial to v12 in PLM, an error could occur.
OA-27295 An attempt to add a Microsoft 365 license using a vendor configuration file in PLM could fail.
OA-27126 It was impossible to set time for monthly and weekly periodic tasks.
This OSS version has minimum version requirements for these components:
OSS 21.4-316
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-27478 Support for CloudBlue Store 1.2.
OSS 21.4-313
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-26835 In PLM, NCE Microsoft 365 commercial catalog import failed with the error: "500 Internal Server Error".
OSS 21.4-309
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
The new implementation of the BIND DNS hosting service now supports DNSSEC. This allows system users with domains served by the DNS service to enable DNSSEC for those domains. To learn more, please refer to the following sections:
The old implementation of the PowerDNS service is replaced with a new implementation. For details, see the DNS Hosting Services guide.
Important: Before upgrading your CloudBlue Commerce installation from version 20.5 to this version, you must prepare your DNS services for the upgrade as described in this article.
OA-25720 The Execute Command action of event handling has been added.
OA-24069 A precheck has been added for legacy tasks that must be canceled or completed before the upgrade.
OSS 21.3-10134
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-26069 The observability for task processing has been improved.
OSS 21.3-10128
This release brings the following changes:
Some changes required to support PLM 1.0 have been made in this version.
OSS 21.3-10126
This release brings the following changes:
Support for the Product Lifecycle Management component was added.
The following issue was fixed:
OA-25876 When auto-filling addresses using Google Places, the zip code could be filled incorrectly.
OSS 21.3
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
This component is now based on Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI). These are lightweight and more secure operating system images as they contain a minimal set of software packages.
A number of security improvements have been implemented.
The password changing policy in UX1 has been updated. Now, when changing a password in UX1 for themselves, a user must provide the old password as well as the new one. If a password is reset for a staff member, a reset link is sent to the staff member.
APS UUID is now added to the customer, reseller, and subscription lists in Operations Classic Panel to simplify the development of integrations with CloudBlue Commerce through APS API.
Deployment and Upgrade
CloudBlue Commerce components can now run in AKS clusters with Kubernetes 1.20 and 1.21.
Note: We recommend that you use one of the Kubernetes versions supported by AKS. If you need to upgrade your AKS cluster, follow these instructions.
Now, the pre-check utility provides better guidance if an APS 1.x application is found in the system.
This version of the OSS component brings a significant performance boost for providers and resellers on the following operations in UX1 (see the table below). For example, major performance improvements are achieved on such screens as UX1 Subscription Management (UX1 UI) for large resellers.
Account and subscription creation performance has been improved.
Operation |
Latency, 90th percentile, msec (version 21.2) |
Throughput, transactions/s (version 21.2) |
Latency, 90th percentile, msec (version 21.3) |
Throughput, transactions/s (version 21.3) |
Gain ⬇ |
Providers |
Getting a user list sorted by account |
/aps/2/collections/users?sort(account.companyName) |
17395.6 |
1 |
2 |
11523.45 |
1152345% |
Account search by pattern of an account attribute |
/aps/2/collections/accounts?contains(attributes,and(eq(attributeID,CreatedBy),like(value,*ERP*))) |
3963.9 |
4.44 |
1 |
14777.46 |
332825.68% |
Account search by account attribute |
/aps/2/collections/accounts?contains(attributes,and(eq(attributeID,CreatedBy),eq(value,ERPsystem))) |
2200 |
7.35 |
1 |
16057.91 |
218474.97% |
Getting an account list |
/aps/2/collections/accounts?sort(companyName) |
2229 |
7.39 |
2 |
12035.65 |
162864.01% |
Getting a user list sorted by name |
/aps/2/collections/users?sort(fullName) |
2310 |
7.11 |
2 |
8782.13 |
123518% |
Large resellers |
Getting a user list sorted by account |
/aps/2/collections/users?sort(account.companyName) |
8132 |
2 |
2 |
10363.44 |
518172% |
Getting an account list |
/aps/2/collections/accounts?sort(companyName) |
4297.8 |
3.68 |
2 |
10496.91 |
285242.12% |
Getting a list of tenants in a subscription |
/aps/2/collections/users?linkedWith(a934f820-d753-428c-a855-5c8d480a9e03) |
216 |
75.97 |
2 |
9510.33 |
12518.53% |
Getting a user list sorted by name |
/aps/2/collections/users?sort(fullName) |
1 |
14498.03 |
1 |
15145.04 |
104.46% |
Getting a service template with included resources |
/aps/2/collections/pa-service-templates?select(resources) |
4 |
4680.57 |
4 |
4774.27 |
102% |
Small and medium resellers |
Getting a list of users with assigned services |
/aps/2/collections/users?select(services) |
2 |
11135.11 |
2 |
12306.68 |
110.52% |
Getting an account list |
/aps/2/collections/accounts?sort(companyName) |
5 |
3882.38 |
5 |
4194.59 |
108.04% |
Getting a user list sorted by account |
/aps/2/collections/users?sort(fullName) |
7 |
2341.78 |
7 |
2491.4 |
106.39% |
Getting a user list sorted by name |
/aps/2/collections/users?sort(fullName) |
1 |
15158.04 |
1 |
15746.25 |
103.88% |
Getting a list of on-screen notifications |
/aps/2/service/notification-manager/notifications/displayMessages |
12 |
1538.7 |
11 |
1517.71 |
98.64% |
- The highest performance level can be achieved for OSS DB on PostgreSQL 13 with aps_security_link
table partitioning per reseller.
- Only the OSS component is currently compatible with PostgreSQL 13. BSS will support it soon.
This release includes the following fixes:
OA-23453 Loading UX1 for the first time took too long.
OA-23736 The upgrade of an APS application instance from the control panel could fail.
OA-25272 The synchronization task for Application Counted Reference resource usage failed after a subscription plan change.
OA-25254 It was not possible to change the start time of a periodic task and cancel an unprocessed or rescheduled task.
OA-25118 The "Collect rated data" task failed.
OA-25010 The second Change Order after a canceled Change Order did not trigger changes in a subscription in Connect.
OA-24857 Account and subscription creation were optimized for better concurrency.
OA-24829 The Booster RQL is now up to 10% faster thanks to SQL optimization.
OA-24560 After creating a CMP API subscription, there was a navigation error when attempting to enter a staff member profile in UX1.
OA-23736 It was not possible to upgrade an instance of an APS application.
OA-23641 APS_REQUEST_ID headers, which can be used as an idempotency key to organize reliable communications, were not available in provisioning requests and limit processing requests.
OA-22808 Old notifications were not transferred to the Action Log if an APS application that send notifications was deleted.
OA-21694 RQL queries were added to the respective SQL statements for better observability during database load analysis. They are also available in the pg_stat_statement report.
OSS 21.2-10060
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-25513 The "Report billing data" task failed causing a lack of memory.
OA-25808 The metric collector failed to collect a report if a microservice was broken.
OSS 21.2-10019
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-25229 The Branding component memory consumption has been optimized.
OSS 21.2-10015
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-24899 In UX1, a reseller could not change a service plan for their child account’s subscriptions based on service templates owned by this reseller.
OA-25126 The Azure NCE "Collect rated data" periodic task failed.
OSS 21.2-2948
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-24750 UX1 Panel navigation could fail for a SimpleAPI user.
OSS 21.2-2935
This patch brings the following changes and improvements:
OA-24371 Improved UX1 screen loading performance when navigation customizations are being used.
OSS 21.2-2910
The OSS component is a product of the CloudBlue Commerce platform evolution. It is the successor to the Management Node and ensures most of its functionality. This release brings the following changes and improvements:
Support for the cloud-native configuration deployment scheme: the component is now installed as a microservice in a Kubernetes cluster in a public or an on-premises cloud. This approach has the following advantages:
More frequent releases and faster delivery of new features.
Optimization, simplification, and unification of deployment and upgrade operations.
Horizontal scalability and fault tolerance.
It is now possible to update existing activation parameters or add new ones when placing a change order. For this purpose, a new property
has been added. -
APS 1.x shared hosting applications are no longer supported.