Order Management Release Notes

The release notes are listed in descending order.

Order Management 1.16.708

This is a patch release.


  • ORMA-622 A migration order could fail if there was a fractional number of billing periods between the subscription start and end dates.


  • BSS 21.7 and later.

  • OSS 21.7 and later.

Order Management 1.16.706


  • PFR-6873 BSS now supports the scenario of passing price terms per each order item with an order using API.


  • BSS 21.7 and later.

  • OSS 21.7 and later.

Order Management 1.15.685

This is a patch release that contains internal component improvements only.


  • BSS 21.7 and later.

  • OSS 21.7 and later.

Order Management 1.15.684

This is a patch release that contains internal component improvements only.


  • BSS 21.7 and later.

  • OSS 21.7 and later.

Order Management 1.15.672


  • ORMA-529 It was not possible to purchase a subscription with a subscription period of 0 years.


  • BSS 21.7 and later.

  • OSS 21.7 and later.

Order Management 1.14.637

This release contains internal component improvements only.


  • BSS 21.7 and later.

  • OSS 21.7 and later.

Order Management 1.13.631


  • ORMA-465 An upgrade between plans with resource mapping configured could fail.

  • ORMA-467 Placing a change order could fail with an error message that the resource quantity exceeds a threshold, even though the threshold was not actually reached.

Order Management 1.13.620


  • ORMA-427 It was possible to configure co-terming when placing an order for a subscription to a delegated plan with co-terming restricted.

Order Management 1.12.609

This patch release contains internal component improvements only.

Order Management 1.12.601


  • ORMA-407 Order Management logging was excessive.

Order Management 1.11.585

This release contains internal component improvements only.

Order Management 1.10.581

This is a patch release.

This release contains internal component improvements only.

Order Management 1.10.577

This is a patch release.

The following issue is fixed in this release:

  • ORMA-374 Scheduled change orders could not be placed for subscriptions shifted to Rating Engine.

Order Management 1.10.571

The following issue is fixed in this release:

  • ORMA–353 An error occurred when listing orders due to an unsupported order item.

Order Management 1.9.563

This release includes internal improvements and security fixes.

Order Management 1.9.562

This release adds support for co-terming and calendar billing features.

Order Management 1.8.561

In this release, the following issue was fixed:

  • ORMA-347 The Unable to create order list error appeared on the subscription details screen when there was an order scheduled for the subscription.

Order Management 1.8.558

In this release, the following issues were fixed:

  • ORMA-342 An error occurred in change wizard when selecting the plan to be upgraded.

Order Management 1.8.557

In this release, the following issues were fixed:

  • ORMA-321 Subscription history in UX1 could include information not intended for customers.

  • ORMA-338 Scheduled downsize orders could not be placed outside the period allowed by the downsize policy.

    Note: For a complete fix of this issue, you also need to update UX1 Subscription Management to version 4.7.1454 or later.

Order Management 1.8.545

This release includes internal improvements to ensure compatibility with BSS and OSS 21.7.

In this release, the following issue was fixed:

  • ORMA-303 Some multilingual texts were displayed in Serbian, Macedonian or Slovak when the English locale was selected.


This version requires that BSS and OSS are upgraded to version 21.7 or later.

Order Management 1.8.518

This release brings the following improvement:

PFR-1914 Now, when switching between service plans with mapped resources, resource amounts are correctly processed by the system with different configurations.


To upgrade Order Management with Approval Engine component installed:

  • Approval Engine 2.4 or higher.

Order Management 1.7.479

This release brings the following improvements:

  • Support for NCE subscription partial upgrade: if a query contains the transaction_id activation parameter, the NCE downsize policy will not be validated.

  • Now, a reseller can see their orders in the list that is returned by the API orders method.

  • As of this version, PostgreSQL 13 can now be used for the database of this component.

Order Management 1.6.476

This release brings the following improvements:

  • Support for future Approval Engine improvements.

  • Support for TCV in the API response for an order pre-estimation.

In this release, the following bug was fixed:

  • ORMA-152: Subscription cancellation failed after renaming a reason code in Billing.

Order Management 1.5.463

This release brings support for multi-currency, which will become available later.

Order Management Release 1.5.456

This release improves Order Management performance when getting the list of orders.

Order Management Release 1.5.442

Order Management Release 1.5.426

This release brings the following improvements:

  • Getting the list of orders in UI and using API became faster due to internal optimizations.

  • Scheduling an upsize or downsize change order is now possible only if the service plan and period is provided, similar to plan switching.

Order ManagementRelease 1.5.420

This release enhances the API and adds the following functions:

  • Specifying the subscription start date when switching a subscription to another plan. This is done with the Switch Order method, using the upgradeStartType setting.
  • Managing the list price and discounted prices separately. This is done with the Place Order and Estimate Order methods, using the dealPrice setting.
  • Scheduling and provisioning changes to subscriptions on a renewal date. This is done with the Orders method, using the renewal type schedule settings.
  • Submitting activation parameters with a change order. This is done with the Change Order method, using the parameters settings.

As of this release, this component is based on Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI). These are lightweight and more secure operating system images as they contain a minimal set of software packages.

Order Management Release 1.5.369

This release enables the selling of domains through UX1 Marketplace and resolves the issue ORMA-84: Errors occurred while retrieving the details of orders that included a handling fee.

Order Management Release 1.5.367

In this release, Order Management security has been improved.

Order Management Release 1.5.357

To ensure stability of CloudBlue Commerce deployed in the cloud, the time zone is now configured for the Kubernetes cluster so that all components have the same configuration. To support this change, in this release Order Management was updated to get the time zone using the new approach. If the time zone is not configured for the Kubernetes cluster, it must be specified during installation or upgrade.

Important: This change affects the deployment and upgrade procedure. Please, carefully read the updated instructions.

Order Management Release 1.5.345

In this release, the following functionality is supported:

In this release, the following bug was fixed:

  • ORMA-55: Improve Order Management API performance for GET requests in a concurrent environment

Order Management Release 1.4.318

In this release, the following bug was fixed:

  • ORMA-62: Inefficient SQL query for a sorted list of selected orders with the total count

Order Management Release 1.4.317

In this release, the following improvements were made in Order Management:

  • Optimized performance in order display in UX1 and order retrieval using API.
  • Better Order Management security.

Order Management Release 1.4.312

In this release, the following issues were fixed in Order Management:

  • Backward compatibility of the API for getting order details was broken.
  • Mass creation of orders could increase memory consumption and result in the OutOfMemory failure.
  • Memory limits of the Order Management application could not be correctly changed using Helm chart configuration.

To learn how to upgrade to the latest version, refer to Upgrading Order Management.

Order Management Release 1.4.305

This is the first Order Management release compatible with CloudBlue Commerce 21.0 components. There are also earlier Order Management releases compatible with earlier CloudBlue Commerce versions.

This release of Order Management brings the following improvements:

  • Now, a tax point of a detail in correcting orders is set equal to the tax point of the respective detail in the initial order.
  • Order Management API was extended to return additional information about an order and its provisioning items.
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