Deploying or Updating BSS

Installation Prerequisites

Kubernetes Resource Requirements

Container CPU cores RAM in GiB
atm 1.0 1.0
scheduler 2.0 1.0
worker 1.0 1.0
www 1.0 1.0
xmlrpc 1.0 1.0

Persistent Storage Requirements

0.25 GiB


The BSS component must be installed together with other core components:

  • OSS 21.10

  • UI and Branding 21.10

  • Payment Management 21.10

Installing BSS

To deploy BSS:

  1. Ensure the prerequisites above.
  2. Follow the common CloudBlue Commerce component deployment procedure using the BSS deployment parameters below in the config.yaml.

Upgrading BSS

To update BSS, follow the common CloudBlue Commerce component update procedure using the BSS deployment parameters below in the config.yaml.

BSS Deployment Parameters

When installing or updating BSS using the common CloudBlue Commerce component deployment procedure, use the parameters below in the config.yaml.

Component Name


Specific Parameters

Parameter Default value Description
db.secret bss-db K8s secret that contains BSS database credentials (generated automatically during BSS deployment)
fraud.secret fraud-sdk K8s secret that contains fraud-sdk credentials (generated automatically during fraud-sdk deployment)
storage.size 256Mi The size of a shared storage used by all bss pods to store BSS UI customizations, currency precision settings, etc.
conf.environment.LogLevels "*:4" Logging level
conf.environment.DURATION_PRECISION 2

The accuracy to which BSS rounds the duration of the proration period when charging or refunding a customer for an incomplete billing period.

atm.resources.requests.cpu 100m atm pod resources
atm.resources.requests.memory 512Mi atm pod resources
atm.resources.limits 1 atm pod resources
atm.resources.limits 1Gi atm pod resources
worker.replicas 20 The number of worker instances
worker.resources.requests.cpu 50m worker pod resources
worker.resources.requests.memory 128Mi worker pod resources
worker.resources.limits 1 worker pod resources
worker.resources.limits 1Gi worker pod resources
xmlrpc.resources.requests.cpu 100m xmlrpc pod resources
xmlrpc.resources.requests.memory 256Mi xmlrpc pod resources
xmlrpc.resources.limits 1 xmlrpc pod resources
xmlrpc.resources.limits 1Gi xmlrpc pod resources
www.conf.arguments.TTL 900 BSS UI inactivity timeout in seconds
www.wwwCert   A web certificate to access the Classic BSS Panel UI
www.resources.requests.cpu 100m www pod resources
www.resources.requests.memory 256Mi www pod resources
www.resources.limits 1 www pod resources
www.resources.limits 1Gi www pod resources
scheduler.conf.environment.TaskRunners 10 The number of scheduler task runners to be used by your system.
scheduler.conf.environment.MaxTasksToFetch 50

The maximum number of tasks under processing in the memory pool

scheduler.resources.requests.cpu 100m scheduler pod resources
scheduler.resources.requests.memory 256Mi scheduler pod resources
scheduler.resources.limits 1 scheduler pod resources
scheduler.resources.limits 1Gi scheduler pod resources

Sample config.yaml

Default config.yaml:

    version: <version_number>

Warning: Whenever BSS, OSS or Branding UI Cluster components are upgraded, they must be upgraded together and the exact BSS version must be specified in the config.yaml file.
To get the latest available version of the BSS component, use the following commands:
helm repo update
helm search repo a8n/bss

Enabling or Disabling Special Functionality in the BSS Database Features Table

In a limited number of cases, you may need to enable special BSS functionality by writing values to the BSS database. In such cases, documentation mentions the corresponding special feature name and refers to this section for instructions. Special feature names start with the prefix FEA_.

How to Obtain the Current config.yaml from CloudBlue Commerce

When updating CloudBlue Commerce components, you may need to obtain the current config.yaml.

To obtain the current config.yaml from CloudBlue Commerce, on a machine with kubectl, execute the following request:

kubectl -n NAMESPACE get secret config-yaml-backup -o "jsonpath={.data['config\.yaml']}" | base64 -d

Note: NAMESPACE is the namespace of your CloudBlue Commerce installation.
To find it, execute the following command:
kubectl describe svc oss-proxy | grep namespace

How to View the Deployment Parameters with Default Values for the Component Version You Want to Install (values.yaml)

To view the deployment parameters with default values (values.yaml) for the component version you want to install, run the following command from the machine with kubectl:

helm show values <component_name_for_config.yaml> --version <component_version> --username <username_for_deployment_repository> --password <username_for_deployment_repository> --repo <a_link_to_repository_with_CloudBlue Commerce_components>

For username and password to the deployment repository, please contact your Technical Account Manager.

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