Configuring Notification Schedule

Newly created schedule has the name only. You need to add schedule details to it so that Billing would "know" what messages and when should be sent.

To configure a notification schedule:

  1. Open System > Settings > Notifications > Subscription Expiration, the list of notification schedules appears on the screen.
  2. Select a notification schedule by clicking on the respective link in the Schedule Name column. Selected schedule properties appear on the screen.
  3. Switch to the Schedule Details tab. The list of schedule details already attached to the notification schedule appears on the screen.
  4. Click Add New Schedule Detail. The adding new schedule detail dialog window is displayed. Fill out the form:
    • Select when a notification should be sent from the Send Time group. Two options are available: Before Expiration – the notification is to be sent before customer's subscription expires; After Expiration – the notification is to be sent after customer's subscription expires.
    • Type the number of days before or after the subscription expiration when the notification is to be sent into the Days field.
    • Click the icon next to the Template for notification field. From the window that opens, select a notification template to use. Only subscription notification templates are available for selecting.
    • Select one of the send conditions from the Send Condition menu. The following conditions are available: Always – the notification is to be sent N days before the subscription expiration, without other conditions; Renewal Order is not placed – the notification is to be sent only if no renewal order is placed for the expiring subscription; Customer'sAccount is active – the notification is to be sent to customers that have active accounts only.
    • Select the applicability of the notification from the Applicable To menu. The following options are available: Not Auto-Renewing Subscriptions – the notification is to be sent only to subscriptions that are not renewed manually; Auto-Renewing Subscriptions – the notification is to be sent only to subscriptions that are renewed automatically; All Subscriptions – the notification is to be sent to all subscriptions, regardless of their auto-renewal setting.
    • Select the Active check box to enable the schedule detail. Inactive schedule detail remains in the notification but is not used when sending notifications.
  5. Click Save to finish configuring notification schedule.

Note: Each schedule detail represents a single message. If you need several notifications to be sent for the same subscription, repeat the schedule detail addition steps until all the necessary message templates are added.

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